
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quote of the Week

"This is the Land of Opportunity. It is not the Land of Handouts."

Mike Ditka speaking at a Sarah Palin campaign rally this week in Pennsylvania


Lance Christian Johnson said...

Wow...that's supposed to be impressive?

Here's a quote for ya:

"You've heard about some of these pet projects - they really don't make a whole lot of sense - and sometimes these dollars go to projects that have little or nothing to do with the public good. Things like fruit-fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not." - Sarah Palin

Is it any wonder why we're trailing so far behind in science? Fruit fly research has nothing to do with the public good? I wonder if she'd change her mind when we're all starving because our crops have been destroyed by fruit flies.

Gary Fouse said...

About 20 years ago, the govt spent $250,000 to send a bunch of experts to Africa to study the mating habits of the tse-tse fly.

For the public good, of course.

Come to think of it, I am hungry. Time for lunch.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Just curious, Gary, but do you actually know anything about that study beyond what you just wrote? Could it have possibly been to figure out ways to control the tsetse fly population? Is it possible that those studies could have led to discoveries with our own pest population? Oh, and you are aware of the fact that many of these studies on insects have practical applications towards medicine and treatment of human beings?

Or are you just another "conservative" who likes to mock the science that he doesn't understand? If you're going to be so derisive of science, then stop going to the doctor, stop taking medicine, stop using electricity - oh, and unplug your computer.

It's attitudes like this why I find your assertions about how conservative thought is based on "reason" to be laughable at best - frightening at worst.

Gary Fouse said...

"Is it possible that those studies could have led to discoveries with our own pest population? Oh, and you are aware of the fact that many of these studies on insects have practical applications towards medicine and treatment of human beings?"

Same answer about the truck driving through

knowitall said...

That was impressive, and it should be plastered all over the news, because this bailout that the elitist illuminati want so bad is just that, a handout.