Our beloved governor-leading the way to a brighter future
Twenty-eight billion dollars and counting, folks. That's the latest budget deficit in California under Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the left-wing Democrats in Sacramento. To "solve" this crisis, Arnold called the legislators into special session in the State Capitol. Yesterday, they all went home for Thanksgiving, and, since the new legislature comes in the first of December, some won't be back at all.
What did they accomplish? Nothing. The Democrats, as is their wont, tried to increase taxes. For example, one idea would have tripled the car tax. Republicans, of course, refused to go along with any tax increases. So it was back home to carve the turkey.
Arnold, of course, slammed the lawmakers and described the whole legislature as a "kindergarten". That charge is true, of course, but our governor, under the careful guidance of his wife, Maria Shriver, has been complicit in the whole mess. Once he learned that he could not get Sacramento to cut its insane spending and that he could not win against the powerful state employee unions, he joined them.
So now the deficit is 28 billion. In a couple of months, it will probably be 35 billion. Who is to blame? Sacramento, of course, and the irresponsible people who infest the state capitol.
In the words of an old friend, long forgotten, "you could drop a nuclear bomb on that place and not harm one innocent bystander."
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