If the LA Times, as they claim, is in possession of a videotape of a dinner in 2001 in honor of radical Palestinian supporter, Khalid Rashidi and attended by Barack Obama, in which several Palestinian speakers made anti-Semitic remarks, why won't they turn that tape over for public dissemination?
Why won't the MSM ask Obama about that dinner and why he didn't leave when anti-Semitic remarks were made?
Why won't the MSM ask Obama why he and Bill Ayres, when they were on the Woods Foundation, directed almost $100,000 to Khalidi?
Why isn't the MSM asking Obama about that 2001 radio interview in which he is talking openly about income redistribution and the tragedy that the Supreme Court never got into said income redistribution, as well as direct their efforts to what the Constitution should guarantee to Americans?
What did Obama mean in those just released recordings when he used the word Nazism to refer to present-day America?
Will the MSM ask him to explain those remarks (sometime before the election)?
Where is the outrage from the MSM over the pictures of Sarah Palin hung in effigy as part of a West Hollywood Halloween house decoration? What would have been the reaction if someone had hung Obama in effigy?
Why all the uproar from the media over the RNC spending $150,000 on Sarah Palin's wardrobe (which will be turned over to charity)and so little attention given to the ACORN issue?
Doesn't the MSM have any concern over the voter fraud that is threatening to take over Ohio-if not several other states?
Don't bother sending me the answers. I already know them. It is because the MSM is doing everything they can to help elect Barack Obama. If that is the kind of news media you want, fine. But if Obama is elected, can you count on this same media to be a watchdog for the abuses that (I think) will follow? Or will they be like the media in dictatorships that do nothing that parrot the government line?
In my view, we are witnessing the death of the American news media. When they lose their credibility, they might as well find another profession.
McCain funded Khalidi's group.
But does that not matter, just like McCain giving the keynote address for ACORN in 2006 or Republicans funding and sitting on the school reform board that Ayers served on? I guess we're supposed to conveniently overlook those facts.
Gary, I think some things are just not important enough to be written about, and don't you think they write enough negative things about Obama. How else would people "know" that he is moslem or arab, or terrorist, or wasn't born in the USA, or went to moslem school, he probably ate his first born too. God, he listened to some Palestinians making anti-semitic remarks, should he be hung for that? Palestinians are Semites, so they were badmouthing themselves? Sarah Palins clothes are going to charity? I have a bridge for sale. Do you really buy that? Her childrens' too. When this is all over, they just give those things away? Let them eat cake attitude. How insulting. Give it a break Gary, Obama will not change the world into a socialistic, anti Jewish, anti Christian, anti whatever, he will do just fine. As far as the stupidity of people, there is "kein Kraut gewachsen".
I'll have to do some digging into the McCain angle beyond Huffington Post of course. But does Mccain know Rashidi, personally and associate with him?
The MSM is full of liberal left wing illuminati and they have so much power and influence over the public, McCain is doomed...the MSM refuses to report on the news if it doesn't benefit Obama's camp, therefore keeping this election from being fair to busy Americans who turn on the tv at night to "catch up" and aren't getting a realistic account of the news!
Oh yes...and the Palin doll being lynched outside of someone's house as a Halloween decoration? And the media thought it was so funny, but can you even imagine if that was a McCain supporter with Obama hanging, being lynched? All hell would break loose and the words racist and KKK would be thrown around and I’m sure it wouldn’t be “funny” like the liberal MSM are reporting it now!
You are so correct. The hypocrisy of the msm is there for all to see.
Geez, you'd wonder how Republicans were able to be in power for so long when there was such a liberal media that had it out for them.
I guess they must be that good! Yeah, that's it.
I think it has to do something with the fact that the public is increasingly fed up with the MSM.
Gary - think about what you just wrote. That doesn't make any sense. If Obama is winning because the MSM is behind him, and they're behind him because they're liberal, then why did we have a Republican for the past eight years? (Not to mention the Republican majority in Congress?)
You know, once you eat your cake, you no longer have it.
Well, msm support counts for something, espcially if you get all your news from one source like cnn, for example. It also matters when the msm neglects to report certain stories which would go against their agenda.
But make no mistake, the public is wising up to the msm, which is one of my favorite causes-in case you haven't noticed.
And I suspect the Republicans would still be in power if they had not abandoned their conservative principles.
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