Hey fans! P. Diddy says,
“John you are bugging the f— you. I don’t even understand what planet you’re on now. This is the job to be the leader of the free world. No disrespect, I love ya, I want you to live to 110, but what if, God forbid, you got a running mate, you become President. Alaska? ALASKA? ALASKA? ALASKA? Come on, man. I don’t even know if there are any black people in Alaska. John, come on. Sarah [Palin]? What in the hell? ALASKA? You’re bugging the f— out. Sarah Palin, you ain’t ready to be vice president. ALASKA MOTHERF—-ER? What is the reality in Alaska? There aren’t even any crackheads in Alaska. There aren’t no black people in Alaska.”
So take it from P. Diddy and vote for Barack Obama!
PS: Puff Daddy and Sean Combs are also voting for Obama. (That makes three votes.)
"I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message."
Yeah, I'm real sure Obama would approve of such a message. Give me a break.
Again, all I see from conservatives is Obama bashing. The McCain campaign isn't even the McCain campaign anymore, it's the anti-Obama campaign. Their rallies have turned into the 2 minutes hate a la Orwell's 1984. You and the others need to get a grip, Gary. You're all spiraling out of control, getting closer and closer to finally smashing into the ground.
Sure Obama would approve of P. Diddy's message. He would also approve of Puff Daddy's message and Sean Combs message.
Bryan, it is you who needs to get a grip. Can't you even recognize humor when you see it? I'm having fun-don't spoil it.
Haha, alright, sorry about that!
Yeah, really-lighten up.
With Obama ahead in the polls, I need to laugh to keep from crying.
I'm more worried about the looming possibility of another "Great Depression" type era.
I sure picked a great time to graduate from college and go out into the "real world!"
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