Muslim Day Parade in New York
top: Islamic Thinkers Society
below: Peaceful participants
On Ocober 12, thousands of Muslims held a "Muslim Day" parade down New York City's Madison Avenue, which, of course had to be closed to traffic to accommodate the marchers and their event, which included prayers in the street. Many of the marchers brought their children and many others carried flags of their mother countries. While it was mostly peaceful, there were a few verbal altercations that broke out between some marchers and non-Muslim protesters who lined the parade route. Many New York citizens had taken umbrage at the proximity of last year's event to 9-11 (two days previous). No doubt the sea of foreign flags did not sit well with many protesters. A lot of insults went back and forth, and on a few occasions, police and security had to keep people apart. Slides and videos of the event are readily available on the Internet.
While I believe it was the intent of most of the marchers to have a peaceful event, there was one segment of the march that does not have such good intentions. Some of the marchers are members of a Queens, New York-based organization called Islamic Thinkers Society. They should change their name to Islamic Haters Society. This is a radical group of Muslims, who seem to be mostly American-born Muslims and converts. Their world view is anything but peaceful and tolerant.
The Islamic Thinkers Society is reportedly the American wing of Al Muhajrioun, the extremist group which reportedly broke up in the UK and whose leader, Omar Bakri Mohammed, fled the country in the wake of the July metro bombings in London.
Here are some examples from their website (
On one page, they have put up posters with pictures of Obama and McCain proclaiming:
"Voting for those who ally with the enemies of Islam is Kufr.
"Oh believers, if any amongst you takes the Jews and Christians as auliya (supporters), then he is one of them." (5:51)
"Voting and supporting those who rule by other than Allah (swt) is Kufr."
Then there is a depiction of the Israeli flag and two Stars of David. The stars are burning while a mushroom cloud is rising over the flag.
In addition, there is a warning that "Spying on Muslims is Haraam".
Then there is this bit of "wisdom" from the "thinkers":
"66 questions about the Holocaust", which lists 66 points implying why the Holocaust never happened.
But don't take my word for all this; visit their website.
By the way, this is the same group of mopes that publicly desecrated an American flag on the streets of New York a couple years ago.
How many members do they have? That's what I want to know. They describe themselves as "less than a handful" of Muslims. Hopefully, that is the case. Their presence in the above-mentioned parade is a blot on any positive message that New York's Muslims wanted to portray.
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