Sandra Bernhard
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Remember Sandra Bernhard, the foul-mouth "comedienne" (which one, you ask)? Believe or not, she is still around. Seems she is also a member of the "I hate Sarah Palin Club". Like most of her fellow members, her reasoning in articulating her dislike of the Alaska governor comes down to this:
In her latest rant, Bernard says the Alaska governor would get "gang-raped by my big black brothers" if she ever came to New York.
Nice, huh?
On her web site, Bernhard tells us the gang-rape joke was part of a larger piece from her show about "racism, freedom, women's rights, and the extreme views of Gov. Sarah Palin - a woman who doesn't believe that other women should have the right to choose."
Ms Trash Mouth continues, "I certainly wish Gov. Palin no harm - I'd just like her to explain to me how she can hold such outrageous views ... and then go back to Alaska."
Sarah Palin may or may not go back to Alaska. If she does, she can go with head held high that she has accumulated enemies like the always disgusting Sandra Bernhard.
If it helps, liberal feminists are *seriously pissed off* at Sandra for her incredibly inappropriate comments, and she's been disinvited from several gigs...
Yes, I neglected to mention that her appearance at a women's homeless shelter was cancelled due to the remarks.
There are so many people that do not like her that much because of what? Oh yeah, there is nothing to dislike about her, because she has said nothing but the truth about the liberal illuminati.
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