
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Add Madonna to the "Honor Roll" of Palin Haters

Last night in New Jersey, pop-tart Madonna kicked off her "Sweet and Sticky" tour by trashing Sarah Palin on stage.

"She can't come to my party-she can't come to my show." There is more, but I'll leave it at that.

I'm not going to waste too many lines on this piece of garbage who, since she now chooses to live in England, is now their problem. As the father of a young woman, I have felt for the past 20 years that this turkey was a poor role model for young girls.

But there is good news (which is why I choose to post this). For every show business jerk like Madonna who goes off on Palin, I am convinced that it just adds more votes to the McCain column.

So keep popping off, Madonna and all the rest of you "entertainers". I will be happy to give you a few lines to show the public (which in my case, consists of Lance, Bryan and a couple of other guys with time on their hands) the class of folks we are up against.

Madonna. You know back in the good old days, when we had real music, this "lady" would be singing in a Holiday Inn lounge in Bullsnuts, North Dakota. Hopefully, her "tour" will take her back out the US real soon.


Anonymous said...

For every show business jerk like Madonna who goes off on Palin, I am convinced that it just adds more votes to the McCain column.

I really think you're wrong. Most people aren't stupid enough to let such a thing decide their vote. Give the public a little more credit than that.

Ingrid said...

Gary, do you really think that at this point anybody will be influenced one way or the other by what that dingbat has to say?

Gary Fouse said...


You sure about that, Bryan and Ingrid? If that's the case, why do famous people like athletes do commercials for products?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the two things are completely analogous. If anyone votes for McCain/Palin because it bothers them what some celebrities say, then they are probably conservative and were going to vote that way anyways.

On the flip side, anyone who votes for a candidate because a celebrity endorses them is just plain stupid.

Gary Fouse said...

As are people who buy a product because some celebrity endorse it, but Madison Avenue has decided it works.

Gary Fouse said...


Thank you for your post. I have checked out your website and registered. I will be happy to contribute to your topic.

Anonymous said...

Madonna doesn't care so much about politics as much as she cares about finding new ways to stay relevant since people stopped buying her records. One year, she was cussing on David Letterman, then she was all into Kaballah, then there was that adoption in Malawi, goes on and on. Don't take anything she says seriously. I mean, this is a woman who uses 100 times more resources than the average human and then writes children's books about not being materialistic. What a shame.