As expected, the National Organization of Women (NOW) has come out against Sarah Palin because she is anti-abortion. Isn't it clear by now that NOW really stands only for abortion, liberal politics and abortion-in no particular order?
Speaking of Palin, Harry Reid reacted to her speech by calling her "shrill". Talk about jealousy! Old Dingy Harry wishes he could be shrill.
And Philly Mayor, Michael Nutter has called Palin, "repulsive". As if Palin were in Philly politics.
Speaking of repulsive, Detroit ex-mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is apparently on his way from City Hall to City Jail after his plea agreement this week.
And speaking of repulsive, whatever happened to Rosie O'Donnell? uh, I'd better be quiet. Don't want to wake up the sleeping giant, you know.
I see where the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) is "offended" because Republican speakers at the convention referred to Islamo-terrorists. Maybe if CAIR would work to help us combat Islamo-terrorists instead of making excuses for Islamo-terrorists, the Islamo-terrorists could be defeated more quickly, and thus, front outfits like CAIR wouldn't have to be offended by us referring to Islamo-terrorists all the time. Besides, if CAIR is so offended, they can always vote for the Democrats (which they will anyway),who will not use the term, "Islamo-terrorists" for fear of offending people like CAIR. (And I'm an English teacher??!?)
Now that the RNC Convention is over, I guess Keith Olbermann and his gang of left-wing commentators at MSNBC will be ranting against Palin until November. Note to Bill O'Reilly: You won't be getting so many of those "Worst Person in the Woooorld" awards for a while.
...And now MSNBC has given Air America hostess with the leastest, Rachel Maddow her own show??? Great move for Maddow. Talk about deserting one sinking ship for another! Kinda like the Carpathia sinking on the way back to New York.
Speaking of sinking, I hope I'm wrong, but as for my beloved Cubbies-here we go again.
Anybody seen John Edwards lately? I missed him in Denver.
That's all for now, fans. We'll let the you-know-what pile up for a few more weeks, and then be back with another installment of "Random Shots in the Dark".
Gary, I guess you weren't that impressed with McCain's speech? I am just curious, because I thought you would have posted about it by now.
Oh, it was ok. he finished very well. For the most part, it was standard fare. I don't put much stock in speeches, anyway. I must admit though, Tom Ridge gave a horrible speech written by a horrible speech writer. Yet, that is no reflection on Ridge as a public servant.
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