Last night, while I was working on my blog and looking for new material, I flipped on Keith Olbermann on MSNBC for a few yuks as I occasionally do. Keith never disappoints me. He always gives me something new to write about. Last night was no exception.
First, Keith wasted the first quarter of his show discussing the "Great Lipstick" issue with two of his regular house guests, Newsweek's Richard Wolffe and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson. Both are irritatingly smug individuals, and Robinson has a bad verbal tic otherwise known as chuckling every time he is responding to one of Keith's teed-up rhetorical questions.
Of course the thesis of Keith's dialogues with Wolffe and Chuckling Gene is always the same: Bush is bad, McCain is bad, the Republicans are bad, and now, Sarah Palin is bad. What else is new? The conversation, predictably led to Gov. Palin and the "Troopergate" scandal, in which she supposedly tried to get Alaska cop Mike Wooten, her former brother-in-law fired. While making a passing reference to the idea that Wooten was not exactly a good guy, it was never mentioned that he had tasered his 10-year-old step-son. (he should have been fired.) At any rate, once they were spent, Keith proceeded to tuck Wolffe and "Chuckles" into bed for another night so they would be fresh for tomorrow night's show.
Keith then proceeded to hand out his nightly Worst Person in the Wooorld awards. Perennial winner, Bill O'Reilly bagged another bronze on this evening for his ever-expanding trophy room.
But the tour de force of the evening was another one of Keith's 10 minute sermons to end the show. And the theme was? Evil John McCain, of course. It seems Keith was outraged by McCain and the RNC Convention using images of 9-11, and McCain's supposed "secret method" of getting bin Laden. Like the crescendo of Tschaikovsky's 1812 Overture, Olbermann's tone rose in fury as he accused McCain of using 9-11 as an election prop. He all but accused McCain of "protecting" bin Laden by not putting his plan into operation now-thus allowing the terrorist mastermind to remain free.
As I sat there watching Keith blowing his lid yet again, he couldn't help thinking: How can this jerk treat McCain like he was dirt given the candidates life history-not that it makes him above criticism, but McCain has given more to his country than Mr Olbermann has ever dreamed of. But that will never deter a rabid ideologue like Keith Olbermann, who is still "resting on his laurels" after his fawning interview of Barack Obama.
I also thought to myself, "he's really getting worked up. Given his demotion at MSNBC, is this going to be the night when Keith pulls out a gun on camera, declares, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore' and.....?"
Whatever grown-ups are still there at NBC, they must be thinking to themselves, "and we let this guy act as anchor for the conventions?"
Bizarre. Truly bizarre.
Explain to me exactly how O'Reilly is any different than this hack, other than where they fit on the political spectrum.
Its typical of the Left to act like this especially NBC. Why doesn't Olbermann go back to ESPN, he was better at talking about Barry Bonds, and the New England Patriots. This guy is ridiculous, what an acting job, he seemed so distraught with the RNC video. I thought it was great. How quickly we forget that day and that we are a country at war. Keep up the good work exposing goof-balls like Olbermann from the leftist media.
God Bless
O'Reilly certainly has his faults. He expresses his opinions, and he has his enemies, whom he excoriates. Yet, while I am certain that he will vote Republican in this election, he does show a modicum of fairness to people like Obama. You cannot compare O'Reilly's treatment of Obama with Olbermann's treatment of McCain/Bush. O'Reilly will criticize certain Republicans and praise certain Democrats. With Olbermann, you have none of that.
To faithful Remnant,
Thanks for your supporting comment.
Olbermann at least seems like he has a sense of humor. O'Reilly just genuinely comes across as a total ***hole, and that's without even taking my political disagreements with him into consideration.
Olbermann is actually quite funny when he wants to be. He was much better on espn
For the most part, I agree with your assessment of O'Reilly. I saw his interview with Hillary Clinton, and I thought that he did a good job. He can do a good interview when he wants to do one.
For me though, he's worse than a guy like Olbermann because he has been caught time and time again completely making things up and reporting on them as though they were facts. I don't personally know of any instance where Olbermann had done the same thing.
I'll let O'Reilly defend himself-he is certainly capable. My point remains that O'Reilly is infinitely more fair than Olbermann, who, as I write this reply, is yapping away on Countdown about how bad Palin is. The guy is a broken record.
So...bias is worse than lying?
Lying is worse. One can be biased and still try to say the truth or at least one's opinion. I am still not convinced that OReilly lies because that is who you refer to. He certainly shoots from the hip and I have heard him mis-quote the law on certain things, but I didn't consider that intentional lying.
Shoots from the hip? Talk about your spin! Anyway, I forget which thread it was now where I gave you a couple of examples.
At best, he doesn't fact-check, and when he gets called out on it, he refuses to admit the mistake. Perhaps that might not technically be lying, but it definitely calls his credibility into serious question.
In which case, he has a lot of company in the media. Charles Gibson didn't fact check well enough when he tried to quote Sarah Palin's words to her about troops going to Iraq.
I'll give you that.
I'll take it.
I think first the word "fair" needs to be defined. If fair means
Keith Olbermann doesn't try to be fair. He tries to tell us everything that we don't hear on every other news station because they are not fair. Every other news station clearly favors McCain. They will pick apart every last thing that Obama says and put different meaning to it (such as the lipstick on a pig line) yet, won't even bother to expose McCain's or Palin's lies/mistakes/shortcomings.
It's sad that a man with enough courage to speak his mind and speak against the administration and the Republican party, is called a liar and every other name in the book for exposing the truth.
I've looked at other blogs against him where they pick apart what he says and says he's lying. In two minutes I was able to find exactly what he was talking about and see the facts myself, whereas the others on the blog posted outdated information stating it to be the truth.
Keith Olbermann is the only news anchor to be trusted.
I don't know what you mean when you say that Olbermann is unlike every other news organization. The only difference between Olbermann and CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS is that he wears his politics on his sleeve while the other orgs (except Fox) try to appear down the middle. Again, with the exception of Fox, the other msm outlets agree with Keith, they are just not as obvious about it.
I don't think I have ever called Keith a liar. It's just that every minute of his show is devoted to tearing down anything associated with Bush, McCain, conservatives or Republicans. When you are so one-sided, (and consistently negative)credibility eventually goes out the window.
I have also called into to question MSNBC using Olbermann and Matthews as anchors on debates and conventions when they are so blatantly partisan. (In the 2006 elections, Matthews actually shouted "Hurray" at the announcement of another Dem victory-and he was being an anchor.) Of course, they both have now been removed from that role. They are more suited to being commentators where they can voice their opinions all day long.
Do you think it takes courage for Olbermann to blast Bush et al? C'mon. He needs only get in line. Actually, it takes more courage for these guys in the news business to defend Bush et al. This is America. Keith can say whatever he wants, just as I can say whatever I want about Clinton (or Bush). It takes no courage whatsoever-which is the great thing about America.
You trust Keith because you agree with him. Fine. At any rate, I thank you for your comments, and pls feel free to write again.
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