"Vote for Obama"
Let's face it folks. We are outnumbered. The tide for Barack Obama has turned into a virtual tidal wave. In spite of recent polls that show McCain pulling ahead among ordinary American voters-it's no use.
Consider the following:
The entire mainstream news media wants Obama elected. America's signature newspaper of record, the New York Times, wants Obama elected. Our leading commentators, from Katie Couric to Keith Olberamnn want Obama elected.
Our entire academic establishment-from university to university-from sea to shining sea wants Obama elected. Our greatest professors, from Noam Chomsky to Ward Churchill want Obama elected.
Don't forget our "Greatest Living Former President", Jimmy Carter. He wants Obama elected.
Virtually everyone in Hollywood who matters wants Obama elected. I mean I am talking about greats like Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Steven Spielberg, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, and Matt Damon. I could go on and on. Let's just say that except for Chuck Norris and Jon Voight-all of Hollywood wants Obama elected.)
And don't forget the "stars" in New York-Barbara Walters, David Letterman, Joy Behar, Rosie O'Donnell, it never ends.
Our friends, the Europeans, want Obama elected.
The Canadians want Obama elected.
And down in Latin America, Hugo Chavez wants Obama elected.
The Arabs (whose "friendship" we absolutely must regain) want Obama elected.
The whole world wants Obama elected. (If you don't believe me, ask the great British comedian, Russell Brand.)
Finally, the Man in the Moon wants Obama elected.
After much thought, I have concluded that those of us who were prepared to vote for McCain cannot ignore the voices of America's greatest thinkers. How can we ignore the voices of the rest of the world-including the United Nations, itself?
In the face of such opposition, what chance do we, the ordinary American voters have? What right have we to go against the rest of the world in deciding who our president will be?
So when you head out to vote in November, let the literati in America and the rest of the world know that you have heard their voices and voted accordingly.
Send them a message.
"And down in Latin America, Hugo Chavez wants Obama elected.
The Arabs (whose "friendship" we absolutely must regain) want Obama elected."
Proof please.
I also don't like the way you lump all Arabs together as if they were one homogenous group.
Would a good message to the world be the raising of a hand with the middle finger pointing up? For that is the message I'm sending to them.
And not a word on Brad Hanson? I'm confused? I thought John Edward's affair was very, very, ver important? Why is it, then, when the same National Enquirer that broke that story, and now has the exact same level of legal assurance to publish the Sarah Palin/Brad Hanson affair, you've got nothing to say? I understand why the "liberal media" that's "in the tank for Obama" refuses to cover this story, but how come no mention on your site?
Wow this is exactly what I think all the time. I keep thinking it's like invasion of the body snatchers. Just when you think it's impossible, you turn around and yet another has been sucked into the Obama rhetoric.
A bit of what I get from this piece you wrote Gary is perhaps an unsaid, a bit of Atlas Shrugged tossed in there, a kind of horrifying and sad summation of Well if so much of the nation and world is ignorant enough to make such a choice, blind to the consequences such a US leader will have on this country, blind to what this means for those who have sacrified their lives for freedom, capitalism, and the US Constitution, then does such a majority deserve what they get?
Where does this leave the descendants like me of those who fought for these unique American rights? Their sacrifices are fast becoming marginalized, a joke - or worse, relative notions.
I will never apologize for what previous Americans have done, for how and where I live, for my DNA, my country's military, and the few remaining that dare to fight for America, both with mind and body.
To the fervant jihadis that give their lives and murder for some intangible vision of Islam I give them warning: there are just as many passionate Americans who will give their lives for America, for what are NOT intangibles, but real safeguards against mayhem and entropy, evil, abuse, and tyrannical rulers. For all their ridiculous suicide bombers, it is a fact that they have nothing to lose (their lives suck) and we have everything to lose. Strategically, we will win because of this.
Hillsborough, NC
To Anonymous,
Yes, the National Enquirer came out with both stories. There is a difference, however. As for Edwards, which I chided the mainstream media foe not re3porting for 2 weeks, the evidence was pretty solid once they confronted Edwards at the hotel. It was no longer a question of unknown sources. The scandal was corroborated. Yet, it took the msm 2 weeks to cover it-for a couple of days.
The report of a Palin affair in the past has no such corroboration. At this point, it seems to be based on an anonymous source with no solid corroboration. (I have no idea of the truth.)
I realize as one who is a serious scholar, which I assume you are, you demand proof of the sentence I wrote re; Chavez. That is a fair point. You surely have recognized by now that many of the pieces I write are very serious in nature, while others are tongue-in-cheek or sarcastic. This posting was the latter.
So, I am not aware of any statements Chavez has made (nor the man in the man for that matter) that he wants Obama to win.
But if I were a betting man...
As for lumping all Arabs together, you misinterpret. I recognize that Lebanese for example are comprised of many Christians. Egypt has Coptic Christians. Iranians are not even Arabs, etc.
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