"Cartoon? What cartoon?"
"Yeah, right. What cartoon?-Hey, anybody seen Vladimir?"
Some of you who are old enough to remember might recall those old Soviet era photos taken in Red Square with all the top Soviet leaders on top of the Lenin Mausoleum reviewing Red Army troops on parade in Red Square. The Soviets had a great little trick that signaled to wise observers when a certain leader had fallen out of favor. They would airbrush his image out of the photo as if he had never existed-a non-person to use their own language.
But in the computer era, who needs to do that? Today, we can simply click the "delete" button and everything can disappear-even what we write and post on our blogs.
This is a lesson not lost on the Daily Kos. When they published an offensive cartoon of the World Trade Center on 9-11 from some sick British blogger, many of their own readers got angry and let them know in no uncertain terms. (see "Daily Kos Mocks 9-11Remembrance", Fousesquawk, Sept 12, 2008)
Radarsite blog, however, is not about to let them get away with it. Not only has Editor Roger Gardner reported the story, but the effort of Daily Kos to simply delete it all away-as if they had never posted it in the first place. Now the cartoon and Kos editorial comment has disappeared from the site.
Which, for some really dumb types, is all they need to do. There are many Kos supporters out there who refuse to believe the cartoon had ever appeared in the first place. Just some right-wing conspiracy.
Thanks to Roger Gardner at Radarsite for putting up these posts to the History Channel comment board:
that "quote" is NOT ON THEIR WEBSITE
Sep 14, 2008 8:57 PM
"i just looked at the whole day-full of posts. kos and crew were busy.... but the little poster and quote you refer to were not on his website.... you have been tricked..... the radar guy faked you out, dude.... check it out for yourself: google the quote: "All this 9/11 worship is ghoulish and downright silly. Some Brit on b3ta.com is even making fun of our pompous charade." and all you get is conservative reactionary sites lambasting Kos for something he didn't write...."
"the fact that those conservatives would MAKE UP STORIES and attribute them to Kos, and then rag on him for days for stuff he didn't write.. that is really too much!!
perhaps somebody who still thinks that this actually appeared on daily kos could show us where it is/was???"
"yeah, i thought not..."
Yes indeed, as they used to say in the USSR; "Nikita who?...Khruschev?...Never heard of him. Never existed."
Well, actually he did exist. I actually saw him when I was a boy and he came to Los Angeles. I also saw what appeared in the Daily Kos.
It should be pretty easy to show if they took it down, as there are ways of checking out a site's history.
Just out of curiosity though, Gary, and I'll take your word on this - When you saw it, did you actually see it on their site? Or did you read about it elsewhere?
Hello Gary and thank you for this post. I don't know if you saw this yet, but the mysterious vanishing article turned up after all. I found it on Google.
I saw it on Daily Kos-on their site. The cartoon originated from a British blogger. Kos posted it with their own editorial comment, which I quoted.
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