Has anybody noticed that Al-Qaida has all but been defeated in Iraq? Well, one could be excused for not knowing since the news media isn't reporting it, just like that other story they aren't reporting. You know, the old adage about a tree falling in the forest.....
How about that Surge that you opposed, Obama?
Speaking of Obama, I don't know about you, but I'm mighty impressed with his redesigned campaign plane, especially getting rid of that dreary old American flag. I mean, who needs that, especially when you are a Citizen of the World? Maybe now they can re-christen it "The Smooth Talk Express".
Speaking of smooth talk, is it possible that after talking his way through our front door, Obama is now talking himself out the back door?
When do we start drilling off shore for our own oil? Just as soon as Congress lifts the ban, you say? When's the vote-any day now, right? What-the Dems are all on vacation? What-Nancy Pelosi won't allow a vote? Is that President Pelosi?
Doesn't LA Police Chief and Villaraigosa butt-boy William Bratton have more important work to do than make jokes about Lindsey Lohan being a lesbian-according to him? Work like perhaps cracking down on illegal alien gang members who go around killing American citizens on the mean streets of LA?
Same question for San Francisco Mayor and noted playboy Gavin Newsom, whose sorry excuse for a city protects illegal alien gang members from ICE. Result? Same as LA. Illegal alien gang members are killing American citizens on the streets of San Francisco. Meanwhile, Hizonner is pushing through a thousand dollar fine for citizens, non-citizens and illegal alien gang members who don't separate their garbage properly. How are they going to enforce this? Cursory checks. Garbage in-garbage out.
Not to be outdone, LA's noted playboy Mayor Villaraigosa is forcing an increase in the garbage fee for his citizens, non-citizens and illegal alien gang members. Garbage in-garbage out.
Have you heard that our strongman governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has cut the salaries of state workers to the minimum hourly wage due to the 15 billion dollar budget shortfall? I'm not making this up, folks. Now the LA Times can do sob stories on the even longer lines at the DMV. With the stories the Times doesn't do, there's a lot of available space on those pages.
Speaking of governors, who do you guess are the two leading contenders to succeed the strongman in Sacramento? You guessed it-noted San Francisco playboy Gavin Newsom and noted LA playboy Tony Villaraigosa. That's if you don't count our current crime busting Attoney General and former Governor, Jerry Brown, who is probably going to run. Now that he has busted all the corporate polluters and run all the corporations out of California, I guess he figures he might as well be governor again and drive the final nail into the state's coffin. There is also some guy named John Garamendi who is planning a run. Who is John Garamendi, you ask? You don't wanna know.
Ted Stevens, the 84-year-old senator from Alaska, who has just been indicted on corruption charges, is trying to hurry up his trial to September, so's he can be vindicated in time for the election. Gaaag!!
On the other hand, disgraced and indicted ex-Orange County Sheriff, Mike Carona ("America's Sheriff"), is working hard on his upcoming vindication- by trying to get all the evidence thrown out, delaying the trial, trying to get it moved out of Orange County, etc, etc.
Last I checked, William "Cool Cash" Jefferson is still in Congress. Too bad his freezer can't testify in his upcoming trial. So's Larry Craig. Why resign? Now everybody's showing up in mens' rooms.
Heard about John Edwards? I didn't think so.
1 comment:
I like these - bullet-point responses to bullet-point questions.
Has anybody noticed that Al-Qaida has all but been defeated in Iraq? Well, one could be excused for not knowing since the news media isn't reporting it...
I know about it. I read about it in my local paper. Sure, it's buried in the back pages, but so are the stories about how things are getting worse in Afghanistan.
So, what exactly is the problem here? If both our successes and difficulties are getting buried, perhaps there's something bigger going on here than simple bias. Perhaps they don't feel that headlines about the war sells papers anymore.
I still think that it's premature to say that we're "winning" though. I'll be more than happy to admit being wrong when we actually have won. I'll only fall for "Mission Accomplished" once. (Okay, I didn't even fall for it the first time.)
Doesn't LA Police Chief and Villaraigosa butt-boy William Bratton have more important work to do than make jokes about Lindsey Lohan being a lesbian-according to him?
Heh. You said "butt-boy."
Have you heard that our strongman governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has cut the salaries of state workers to the minimum hourly wage due to the 15 billion budget shortfall?
This was on the front page of my paper. But hey, give the man some credit. He DID defeat the Predator. What other governor can say the same thing? (Jesse Ventura doesn't count - he only fought the Predator, but he was defeated.) This is why I'm voting for Danny Glover for our next governor.
Ted Stevens, the 84-year-old senator from Alaska, who has just been indicted on corruption charges...
Hopefully we'll get some good quotes from him out of this. It'll be tough to top this gem: "...the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes."
Heard about John Edwards? I didn't think so.
Hey now - it has made my local paper. If you search Google News, it looks like a lot of major news outlets are reporting on what it known so far. (I'll give you credit so far as to say that wasn't the case when you first started writing about it though.)
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