As predicted, Barack Obama thrilled the audience of some 75,000 Democrats at Denver's Investco Field with a speech long on soaring oratory-and long on the classical Democratic, liberal tone as well. Set aside the oratory, and it was a speech that could have been delivered by Tip O'Neill. It was pretty much the liberal template masked in moderate language-education and health care given to all by the government. If anything, he contradicted himself.
For example: He tried to sound a middle-of-the-road tone when talking about taxes, but small business owners must be nervous as to what Obama will do as to their tax liability.
"Our government should work for us, not against us."
"I am my brother's keeper."
Translation: I will raise your taxes to give "stuff" to everybody.
There was the angry glass-half-empty, complaining about "raw deal America" (My words, not his). Obama quoted Phil Gramm, who had referred to America as a nation of "whiners". Yet, even as he derided Gramm to a convention of whiners, he proceeded to whine.
As he and other Democrats typically do, he prefaced his remarks on John McCain by paying tribute to his military history-then proceeded to rip into him. He attacked McCain's judgement in "supporting Bush with 90% of his votes".
Senator Obama: if you want to debate judgement, we can discuss little issues like Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, Tony Rezko and William Ayres. What does your years-long association with these folks-even as you became a politician-say about your judgement.
In the area of energy, Obama promised to end our dependence on Middle Eastern oil in 10 years...... but forget drilling. If this man thinks we will not be using oil in 10years, he is nuts. The choice for us is where are we going to get that oil until the day comes when alternate sources of energy are established.
He also reminded us that "we (Democrats) are the party of Roosevelt and John F Kennedy". Well, yes-and don't forget Truman, but you are also the party of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. (I'll stop there.)
To sum up, Obama used his great oratorical skills to put on a spectacular show at Investco. Once you get past the soaring tone of this clearly charismatic figure, what we are left with is Barack Obama, an experienced, unqualified and very liberal junior senator, who has just outlined the usual liberal laundry list, albeit in masked words.
You mean Obama didn't win you over? Wow, I am shocked!
It takes more than great oratory to win me over. Show mw a great speaker, and I'll show you....a great speaker.
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