Who will be in Springfield, Illinois on Saturday?
So now Barack Obama is milking his choice of a running mate for all the suspense and publicity he can, as if this is going to give him a huge bump in the polls. Obama will formally announce his choice as running mate Saturday in Springfield, Illinois, the town that he uses like a rented mule because it is the home town and burial place of Abraham Lincoln.
Meanwhile, the media is all in a tither trying to find out in advance who the pick is. Obama has announced that his running mate will join him on Saturday in Springfield. Thus, the leading candidates are now probably all under media surveillance trying to catch them getting on a plane for Springfield.
Suggestion for the mainstream media: You might want to hire the National Enquirer to do your surveillance for you. They are pros.
So, let's play "Name that Veep". Who, in your opinion, is sure to be in Springfield, Illinois on Saturday?
a Joe Biden
b Tim Kaine
c Evan Bayh
d Hillary Clinton
e Abraham Lincoln
If you guessed Abraham Lincoln, you are a winner!
"Obama will formally announce his choice as running mate Saturday in Springfield, Illinois, the town that he uses like a rented mule because it is the home town and burial place of Abraham Lincoln."
Oh you mean like exploiting the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.?
At least we know that Lincoln was definitely a Republican-just as we know he will definitely be in Springfield tomorrow.
C'mon, Bryan, lighten up and enjoy the humor.
......It was funny, wasn't it?
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