Wesley Clark "clarifying" his remarks on John McCain
(OK, it's not really Wesley Clark, but you get the point.)
In response to the flap resulting from Wesley Clark's dismissive remarks over John McCain's military service over the weekend, the retired general is now "clarifying" his comments. Actually, he is digging himself a deeper hole.
While not apologizing to McCain, Clark is now denying that he was being derogatory in any way toward the Arizona senator's war record. Today on "Good Morning America", Clark stated that he was merely trying to make the case that Obama has the judgement necessary to be president as compared to McCain.
General Clark, are you talking about the judgement that allowed Obama to spend 20 years in a church listening to the hate-filled rhetoric of Jeremiah Wright?
Or perhaps you mean the judgement that allowed Obama to maintain a 20 year relationship with Father Michael Pfleger, the radical priest. Or the judgement that led Obama to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in government funds for Pfleger's projects.
Maybe you are referring to the judgement that led Obama into a political relationship with William Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn, two ex-Weather Underground members who remain unapologetic about their past terrorist activities.
Or perhaps you are referring to the judgement that led Obama into a years-long financial relationship with now-convicted racketeer Tony Rezko.
As I stated before, General Clark will get no criticism from me when it comes to his military career. Unfortunately, since retiring, Clark has become a pathetic political hack, first doing the bidding of the Clintons and now Obama. In doing so, he has disrespected the courageous military service of McCain, who was a lower-ranking officer.
McCain, as his his wont, has chosen to remain above the fray and not lash back. As of now, it seems that Bob Dole has taken the lead among Republicans with his public condemnation of Clark's remarks. (Where are the voices of the other Republicans?)
Wesley Clark is an embarrassment, a political climber who still sees himself as a future president riding on the coattails of whomever will carry him to the next step up the ladder. In trying to extricate himself from this latest statement (an act of poor JUDGEMENT), Clark is only digging himself deeper.
Wesley Clark.. Jim Webb.. and the raspy voiced Rangel all apperaring on various Talking heads shows RIGHT after the OILY Clark's Dim wit comments, but hey if we are to believe that HOPE of Change and Honesty in Politics the one and only major Political old fashioned Lying Politician, that being Barry of HO, that was not a planned speech by the Obama Campaign cesspool.. NAHHH !!!
And are OIly and Webb Interviewiung for a VP job???
I think Clark came out waffling after I put my post up this morning. But he really meant what he said and he is doing it in Obama's stead
(On another note, many times when I click on your name when you comment ... rather than being directed here, I am directed to a site with naked women. Ever had than happen before??? It's weird.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Weird indeed. I have no idea why that happens.
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