It doesn't get any more offensive than this, folks.
As further evidence that the UK is surrendering to Shariah law and genuflecting to its minority Muslim population-now comes this:
Police in Tayside, Scotland recently created posters advertising police contact numbers that featured a cute little puppy sitting on a policeman's hat. When they passed the posters around to various shopowners, they were met with hostile reactions from Muslims who rejected the posters, and local Muslim leaders protested the "affront" since dogs are considered "unclean animals" under Islam.
So now a European country is being hit with more accusations of "offending Islam". How? By featuring a photo of a dog!
Rather than laugh it off, the police have now apologized to local Muslims for "offending them". According to the police spokesman, the cops had "neglected" to clear the "offending" photo with their "diversity advisor". This mistake won't happen again promised the police.
Seems to me that an apology isn't enough. Heads should roll (no pun intended). How about more diversity training for the obviously Islamophobic cops. Put the puppy to sleep, I say. In fact, since British Muslims consider dogs to be so offensive, why not round up and destroy all canines in Britain? Confiscate them from their "infidel" owners by force if necessary. So now, instead of rounding up terrorist and bombers, the cops can put their resources to better use-rounding up dogs! Maybe that will bring peace and harmony in the UK.
What is wrong with those Brits? Even the Archbishop of Canterbury was quoted recently stating that "eventual Shariah law in the UK was inevitable". Whatever happened to the old idea that immigrants should assimilate and adapt to the values of the host country?
Whatever happened to those British soccer hooligans? Hell, at least they were fighters. Have they succumbed to Shariah law as well?
If only Prince Charles were King!!
(On second thought, he'd have to get rid of Camilla.)
1 comment:
I read this to my pets, and my dogs were incredibly offended. My cat was totally behind the Muslims on that one - go figure.
In all seriousness, this is insane, and I hope that it's just a small minority of Muslims who complained (which it probably is - but the loudmouths are always the ones you hear about) and the rest of them don't even care.
Hopefully, this isn't the road that we're heading down, but I somehow don't see us putting up with as much as the Brits do. I could be wrong.
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