John Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry expounding on "judgement"
This weekend, John Kerry (who supports Barack Obama for president) lashed out at John McCain, specifically claiming on CBS' "Face the Nation" that the Arizona senator lacked the "judgement" to be president. Kerry, who reportedly asked McCain to be his bi-partisan running mate in his 2004 quest for the presidency, has now apparently "flip-flopped" on his opinion of the Republican standard-bearer.
And why not? Wasn't it John McCain who spent 20 years in a church listening to a racist, anti-American preacher (Jeremiah Wright) rant against America and white people in general?
Wasn't it John McCain who had a 20 year relationship with a radical leftist Catholic priest in Chicago (Michael Pfleger), who once threatened to "snuff out" a gun store owner? Wasn't it John McCain who funneled government earmarks in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to said priest?
Wasn't it John McCain who had a financial relationship with Tony Rezko, now a convicted racketeer?
Wasn't it John McCain who had a political activist relationship with an unrepentent Weather Underground fugitive (William Ayers-and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn)?
Yeah-that John McCain!
You gotta hand it to Mr Heinz-Kerry. He knows judgement when he sees it.
And he sure doesn't see it in John McCain.
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