Joe Biden, Wise Guy and Senator from the Great State of Delaware
Yesterday, John McCain made a statement to the effect that he "knows how to win wars". In response, Joe (the Jerk) Biden (D-DE), in an interview with CNN's John Roberts, took a shot at McCain. Acknowledging that McCain was a war hero, Biden stated that what America didn't need as president was a war hero, but wisdom.
One thing that has to said about Joe (the Jerk) Biden. He knows a thing or two about wisdom. In fact, he considers himself the smartest person in the world. No one who has ever watched him on C-Span during Senate hearings can come away with any other impression. But since he failed to win the Democratic nomination for president, Joe (the Jerk) apparently thinks that Barack Obama is the next best thing.
But if Joey the Jerk thinks that Obama has wisdom, perhaps he can explain the "wisdom" of Obama spending 20 years in a church listening to a racist, anti-American demogogue rant against America and white people-even after he became a state senator for Illinois and US senator. Perhaps, Joey the J can explain the wisdom of Obama's association with another lunatic minister, Michael Pfleger, for whom he procured government funds. Or how about the wisdom of Obama's (financial) association with convicted racketeer, Tony Rezko? Not enough examples of "wisdom"? Don't forget Obama's association with former Weather Underground fugitives, William Ayres and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn?
Granted, Senator JJ Biden might respond that those were personal issues, not related to policy positions. Perhaps, but if Obama has so much "wisdom", why is he constantly changing or "refining" his stances on virtually every issue including the war in Iraq? Does he have a clue as to what he thinks-or does he just adjust his positions as he goes along?
As he usually does, Joe the Jerk has put his foot in his mouth once again.
Obama spending 20 years in a church listening to a racist, anti-American demogogue rant against America
Gary, I keep reading this from you, and reading it in letters to the editor in my local paper. It's turning into a chant, like a bizarre little conservative version of "Hare Krishna" or something.
As you know, I'm not an Obama apologist, but I'm not entirely convinced that this is a fair statement. This characterization of his pastor's sermons is based on a few soundbites (as far as I know - correct me if I'm wrong). Do we know if he said this sort of thing every day? (According to a link that I sent you some time ago from a white guy who had been to the church a few times, it actually seems pretty uncharacteristic of the norm.) Not only that, but did Obama even attend every sermon? I'd reckon that most of the time the guy said the same kind of feel-good fluffy crap that all pastors say.
Look, I'm not saying that it's not necessarily a point worth noting, but it's getting old. I'm starting to wonder if you're saying it in your sleep by this point. Shoot, I'm tempted to make a drinking game out of it. I figure it's worth at least two shots for every time a conservative pundit or blogger makes that exact same statement.
Personally, I think it's scarier when Bush talks about how he thinks he's doing God's work by invading Iraq. Honestly, I find anybody who claims to be speaking for an invisible man in the sky to be immediately suspect.
Unfortunately, some things bear repeating. Beating them to death, in fact. It seems that's the only way for it to sink in that Obama's judgement is suspect. It is also a perfect rebuttal to Biden's stupid statement.
As yes, it is impossible for one to be in a church for 20 years and not know exactly the nature of said church and its pastor. In a campaign where one candidate says he will "bring us together", this is an issue.
Unfortunately, some things bear repeating. Beating them to death, in fact.
Does this mean that you'll leave Olbermann alone for always making Bill O'Reilly the "Worst Person in the World"?
Personally, I get more weary of Obama whenever he's corrected on (McCain's on there quite a bit too.)
I wasn't aware of Maybe I should check it out.
I see Krazy Keith is back from vacation. I watched him last night with his "circle of like-minded friends".
I see Krazy Keith is back from vacation. I watched him last night with his "circle of like-minded friends".
It's not on at the same time as that show you usually watch, "Monkeys Flinging Poo", is it?
Oh, and I goofed. It's, not .com. Sorry for leading you to the wrong one.
At least on my shows, the poo is going in both directions. On Olbermann, it flies in one direction.
Hey, you looking for me to defend Olbermann? You got the wrong guy.
Well, not to drag up the past, Lance, but wasn't it you who once said, "Thank God for Keith Olbermann"?
Hey, let's not be selective in our recollections of history. I did indeed say that, but that's only when I saw a few YouTube clips of him calling out Bill O'Reilly for his made-up "facts".
I do believe that I have since said that his show "sucks" when I actually took the time to watch a whole episode. (But again, while his show is simply a tired, biased rant, I don't know of any instances where he just completely made stuff up like O'Reilly. "Paris Business Review"? Yeah, why cite a real source when you can make one up?)
And I notice that you didn't refute that your shows are basically "Monkeys throwing poo." Tee hee! Gotcha! Zing!
No I didn't refute it, I just said it was going in both directions.
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