Interpol alert: From top to bottom:
Geert Wilders
Kurt Westergaard
In the grand tradition of Iran's lunatic Ayatollah Khomeini (who issued a Fatwa against British subject, Salmon Rushdie) and the murder of Dutch Filmmaker, Theo Van Gogh on a Dutch street by a Muslim immigrant a few years back-comes this out of the Kingdom of Jordan: During the past month, a Jordanian prosecutor has filed charges for blasphemy and "contempt of Muslims" against Danish cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard, as well as 10 Danish newspaper editors who published the cartoons that infuriated the Muslim world and set off deadly riots across the globe. In addition, also charged with similar "crimes" is Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, whose offense was to make a short film (Fitna or Strife) that stated that the Koran incited violence. The charges against the Danes came in early June, while charges against Wilders came early this month. The warrants issued by Prosecutor, Hassan Abdullat, in Amman come as a result of a complaint filed by a Jordanian group called "The Prophet Unites Us". Thus, the Jordanian prosecutor has summoned all of the above Europeans to report to Jordan for trial or international arrest warrants will be issued.
Can you say "Chutzpah"?
Though neither Denmark nor the Netherlands have signalled any intention of arresting their citizens and extraditing them to Jordan, all of the affected individuals may have their ability to travel outside their own borders restricted if international arrest warrants are obtained. An international arrest warrant could be circulated within Interpol. On the surface it would seem implausible that Interpol would enforce arrest warrants on these charges (They do not honor warrants based on political crimes) However, given the cowardly manner in which many European countries are conducting themselves in the face of Islamic intimidation, who knows?)
In the case of Wilders (who is a Dutch Member of Parliament), he appealed to his foreign minister, a certain Maxime Verhagen, to summon the Jordanian Ambassador in Holland for a lecture on freedom of speech. Verhagen declined, stating that it would represent "interference in Jordanian judicial matters"!!??!
Meanwhile in Riyahd, the Organization of Islam Conference (OIC), a league of 56 Muslim nations, expressed "disappointment" that the Dutch prosecutors could take no action against Wilders based on "free speech issues" (something they would know nothing about).
So now, Middle East prosecutors are filing charges against foreigners in the West who dare to criticize Islam-and this from one of the so-called "moderate, pro-American" nations. Have you ever heard of such brazen arrogance? And what about the cowardice of the Dutch Foreign Minister who will not speak out and summon the Jordanian Ambassador for a good chewing out? At what point does any self-respecting nation tell these fans of the 7th century that, here in the West, we have freedom of speech, and we will never give up our citizens to some Third World banana republic (which Wilders has correctly called Jordan).
A note to the Jordanian prosecutor, who is so concerned about "contempt of Muslims": You could go a long way toward eliminating said "contempt" if you would go after and eliminate the killers that are giving Islam such a bad name around the world.
The entire civilized world should stand shoulder to shoulder with the Geert Wilders, Kurt Westergaards and Salmon Rushdies of the world.
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