top to bottom: Abdul Alim Musa, Amir Abdel Malik Ali
Thanks to the courtesy of my friend and colleague, Ms Reut Cohen, I am re-producing her posting on the As-Sabiqun movement in the US. Two principal figures in this radical, Sunni movement are American imams, Abdul Alim Musa and Amir Abdel Malik Ali, who are also frequent speakers at the University of California at Irvine and other universities on behalf of the Muslim Student Associations.
Reut Cohen is an Israeli-American,a recent graduate of UCI and former member of Anteaters for Israel, a UCI-based Jewish student group. She has been at the forefront of exposing the hatred and radicalism of the MSU at UCI, an effort in which she received little or no support from university officials.
In addition, Reut has just produced a video on As-Sabiqun, which can be accessed on her blog (Reut Cohen- there is a link on this site) as well as Red County blog (Campus Watch), edited by Jonathan Constantine-also linked on this site).
"Abdul Alim Musa and Amir Abdel Malik Ali, two radical imams, are no strangers to UC Irvine where they regularly spread their seething hatred of America, Israel and Jews on behalf of the Muslim Student Union (MSU). These speakers are involved with the As-Sabiqun movement which aims for Islamic revivalism and enabling Islam to take "complete control of ... the lives of all human beings on Earth." Below is information about both speakers and the radical and hateful As-Sabiqun movement. includes the following information about Musa:
Imam Abdul Alim Musa is the founder and director of the As-Sabiqun movement, which aims to “enable Islam to take complete control of … the lives of all human beings on Earth.” He serves as director of Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, DC, and is a senior member of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT) -- a pro-Iranian, pro-Hezbollah, Islamist think tank. Musa also sits on the governing body of the Muslim Alliance of North America, which is headed by Siraj Wahhaj. In addition, Musa is a frequent speaker on American college campuses, often at the invitation of the Muslim Student Union and chapters of the Muslim Students Association. In 2004 the San Francisco Bay View described Musa as “one of the highest-ranking Islamic leaders in the Black community, nationwide and specifically in the Islamic movement.”
Two days before 9/11 -- at a September 9, 2001 fundraiser at UC Irvine on behalf of the cop-killer Jamil Al-Amin -- Musa said:
“Imam Jamil coined a phrase, and that phrase meant this: ‘If you don't give us justice. If you don't give us equality. If you don't give us our share of America. If you don't stay out of our way and leave us alone, we’re gonna burn America down.”
During a May 9, 2007 “Islamic Revival” event at UC Irvine Musa discussed his belief that the U.S. carried out the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon:
“When you hear about some bomber that blew up the World Trade Center or blew up this or blew up that, I'm telling you brothers and sisters, that is your CIA. That is your government blowing up people, blaming it on us … Didn't Adolph Hitler burn the Reichstag, blame it on the people and he became the Fuhrer and what happened? He could suspend civil liberties. And he could wipe out and he could war against all of his enemies. That's what Adolph Hitler did, isn't that right? He burned the Reichstag himself.... They blew up the World Trade Center, blamed it on us, and then come out with the PATRIOT Act and all these criminal laws. Right?”
At the same event, Musa said:
“Who ran the slave trade … who funded [it]? You’ll study and you will find out: the Jews … It was the Jewish bankers … in Vienna, with pockets full of money, funding and insuring, that’s who did it…. you can’t tell us about no holocaust. Between the African Americans and the Native Americans, everybody else’s stuff was [supposedly] small potatoes [according to Jews].”
Here is a bio for Amir Abdel Malik Ali:
Amir-Abdel Malik-Ali (also known as Abdul Malik Ali and Abd Al-Malik) is a black Imam associated with the Masjid Al Islam mosque in Oakland. A graduate of San Francisco State University and a former Nation of Islam member, he is a frequent guest lecturer at Muslim Student Union and Muslim Students Association events. A passionate supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, he helped organize a July 1999 rally in San Francisco at which Imam Abdul-Alim Musa proudly displayed a cashier’s check made out to “Hamas, Palestine.” Malik-Ali endorses suicide bombings as a legitimate “resistance” tactic: “Palestinian mothers are supporting their children who are suicide bombers, saying, ‘Go honey, go!’ That ain’t suicide; that’s martyrdom.”
Also among Malik-Ali’s notable quotes and positions are the following:
“The enemies of Islam know that when we come back to power we’re gonna check ’em.”
“Stay conscious and ask Allah to raise the Muslims and give us victory over the disbeliever.”
“When it’s all over, the only one standing is gonna be us [Muslims].”
“Sooner or later, today’s Muslim students will be the parents of Muslim children. And they should be militants.”
“Neo-cons are all Zionist Jews.”
Israelis ought to return “to Germany, to Poland, to Russia. The Germans should hook y’all up. You [Israelis] should go back to Germany.”
“In America, you’re mostly fighting with your tongue, but you should also learn how to fight with the sword.”
At the Sixth Annual Muslim Student Association Conference held at UC Berkeley in February 2004, Malik-Ali denounced “the white man, who is the enemy.”
At the Universal Heritage Foundation’s December 2003 Islamic Conference in Florida, he warned moderate American Muslims that their desire to be “liked” was turning them into “‘house slaves’ in the mansion of a racist, imperialistic and destructive America.”
He has described Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a “pretty good guy.” notes the following about As Sabiqun:
Founded in the early 1990s by Imam Abdul Alim Musa, As-Sabiqun (whose name means “The Vanguard” in Arabic) is a Sunni endeavor that seeks, through “an organized Islamic movement,” to establish Islam “as a complete way of life in America” -- “in total, complete, and uncompromised service of Allah.”
On July 4, 1994, As-Sabiqun enumerated its major organizational objectives in a document that stated, most notably:
"We resolve to work with other communities (movements) … toward the end of harnessing the power of Muslims and their resources for the purpose of reestablishing the system of governance known as Khilafah, or the Caliphate, patterned after the leadership exemplified by Prophet Muhammad."
"We resolve to utilize all the tools of Islam to develop an analysis and plan of action to totally and completely obliterate the hold of jahiliyyah [spiritual ignorance] and enable Islam to take complete control of our lives, and ultimately, the lives of all human beings on Earth."
"We resolve to shape the ideas, beliefs, and moral viewpoints of the people into an Islamic mold. Toward this end we will … develop the comprehensive educational system that is necessary to inform, inspire, and direct the society toward Islamic revolution (or evolution)."
"We resolve to make Islam a living force by challenging and breaking the hold of social and political forces seeking to suppress and destroy Islam."
Believing that “Islam is fully capable of producing a working and just social, political, economic order,” As-Sabiqun “does not advocate participation in the American political process as an ideal method for advancing Islamic issues in the U.S.” Instead, it calls for “a strong and active outreach to the people of the U.S.” -- an effort aimed at persuading Americans to embrace Islamic beliefs, customs, and institutions. The movement endorses “cooperation on domestic social issues with like-minded non-Muslim groups,” but only “as long as Islamic ethics and morality are not compromised.”
As-Sabiqun’s major ideological influences include the writings and crusades of Malcolm X, Maulana Mawdudi, Shaikh ‘Uthman dan Fodio, Sayyid Qutb, Kalim Siddiqui, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna.
Though As-Sabiqun is a Sunni entity, it has publicly voiced support for such Shi’a movements and organizations as the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah. According to Abdul Alim Musa, Muslims today ought not engage in the "counter-productive" habit of focusing on the differences between Sunni and Shi’a Islam; rather, they should aim to unite in their struggle against non-Muslims."
Fousesquawk comment:
I would encourage my readers to go to the above websites and learn more about this group. These are the invited speakers of the MSU at UCI. What does that tell you about this student organization? I have heard both of the referenced speakers at UCI over the years. Theirs is a message of hatred-hatred against Israel, hatred toward America-and hatred toward Jews ("Zionist Jews" as they call them). Ali appears at UCI virtually every quarter, courtesy of MSU-and a cowardly administration that will not stand up to a bunch of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American agitators.
Yup, that Imam is definitely a nutbar. I tried watching the clip of Hannity interviewing him and I just had to turn it off when it was only about halfway through. I felt like I was watching two sock puppets go at it.
The guy is clearly an idiot, and he doesn't know what he's talking about. What was frustrating is that Hannity was taking him too seriously and trying to engage him in some kind of a "gotcha" style debate. With people who are that clearly insane, the best thing to do is just let them talk and bury themselves with their own ridiculousness.
I don't think that this guy's following will ever be anything more than marginal at best. While I think it's good to keep an eye on people like this, they shouldn't be given publicity on shows like Hannity's. (Of course, Hannity has the right to have on anybody he wants - so I just choose not to support that kind of sensationalism.)
Oh, and I know your post wasn't about Hannity, but the picture is from Hannity's America, which prompted me to seek out the clip.
Yes, Lance, but Musa does have a following. By the way, his real name is Clarence Reams, and he converted to Islam in prison where he was doing time for drug dealing in Oakland.
A few years back, I heard one of his speeches at UCI as he slammed Israel, America and predicted that Islam was going to take over the US. I reacted emotionally and got into a shouting match with him after his speech, calling him an F....idiot and so on.
Perhaps, I should have kept my cool and asked him a pointed question-as I did several weeks ago with Ali, "Do you love your country?" (which Ali couldn't really answer). But, being the hot-head I was, I just wanted to tell the guy off. When I said something to the effect that he (Musa) hated America, he replied, "I survived America"-probably referring to his prison time.
My final point is that I have never advocating silencing these people, but they have to be exposed for what they are, and the American people have to be made aware of what kind of speakers are being brought to campuses by Muslim students. If American Muslims want to convince us that they do not support terror, this is not the way to go about it.
PS Lance,
I saw the interview live, and it was originally not on Hannity's America, but Hannity and Colmes. So Alan also participated- and I am sure Alan gives no support to this guy.
Perhaps you recall in the tape, Musa called Hannity, "home boy". he also called me "home boy".
(The highest compliment, right?)
Well, no matter how kooky a person is, they can always get a following (Jim Jones, David Koresh, Elijah Mohammed, Michael Bolton, etc.)
I guess I'm just a big fan of the "laugh at their foolishness" policy. Getting upset and arguing with them only feeds into their martyr complex. (Don't get me wrong - I can be a hothead myself! I'm certainly not going to cast stones about that!)
Whatever though, we're just splitting hairs on this one. I don't disagree with what you're saying about him. I just think that in addition to all the things you said about him, it should be added that he also seems to be a moron.
Yes, indeed. But it doesn't hurt to point out that this is what the MSU at UCI chooses to associate itself with.
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