Just a few questions I would like to throw out:
Does anybody really believe that it took Barack Obama 20 years to realize that Jeremiah Wright was a racist lunatic?
Does anybody really believe that it took Barack Obama 20 years to realize that Father Michael Pfleger was a lunatic?
Does anybody really believe it took Barack Obama 20 years to realize Tony Rezko was a crook?
Does any body really believe that anyone coming out of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago is going to "bring us together"?
In light of the above, is there a question out there about Barack Obama's judgement?
Why did it take people like Fox News and the conservative blogosphere to drag the mainstream media into covering Jeremiah Wright?
Same question for the Bill Ayers story.
Same question for the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky story.
After watching the Democratic Primary in action, does anybody really want to turn health care over to a Democrat-led government?
Does anybody really think Barack Obama wants Hillary Clinton as her VP-with Bill hanging over his shoulder as well?
Does anybody want to know what Michelle Obama has to say about Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger?
Does anybody out there still think Obama is a great speaker-when his teleprompter shuts down?
Should all ethnic and religious groups receive the same protection from hate? If so, why are Muslim Student associations on college campuses (like mine at UC-Irvine) allowed to engage in anti-Semitic hate speech?
Why do such organizations (like the MSU at UC-Irvine) receive university funding in the form of money taken out of student tuition fees? Isn't that a violation of separation of church and state?
If we have a separation of church and state, why do universities like the University of Michigan at Dearborn install footbaths in restrooms for Muslim students?
Same question for certain airports like Kansas City.
Why are we allowing Jihadist blogs to be run in the US, for example, the one run by Samir Khan in Charlotte, NC, which advocates the killing of American soldiers?
Along those lines, whatever happened to the concept of "undesirable alien"?
Why should Americans give a rat's rear end about Palestinians after they danced in the streets on 9-11?
When one sees what is going on in Gaza, does anyone think the Palestinians can run a peaceful, functional state?
In light of the price of gasoline and the situation in the Middle East, why would anyone still object to the US drilling for oil here at home?
If Congress wanted to do something about the high cost of gasoline, why don't they suspend the state and federal taxes they get from the sale of each gallon? (Don't hold thy breath.)
What's with the new friendship between Republican-hater, Keith Olbermann and former White House Press Spokesman, Scott McClellan?
Doesn't Congress have more important things to worry about than which athletes have taken steroids?
When will the city of Los Angeles (and other cities) rethink their "sanctuary city" status in the light of murders committed by illegal alien gang members, including victims that include cops and innocent citizens?
Is there anyone else out there except me that suspects that Hillary is still waiting in the weeds for Obama to have another major slip and cause Democrats to rethink their support of him for president?
Just wondering.
I'll take a stab at a few of them:
If we have a separation of church and state, why do universities like the University of Michigan at Dearborn install footbaths in restrooms for Muslim students?
Same question for certain airports like Kansas City.
These things don't sit right with me either. To be fair though, Christmas is still a federal holiday and most people do get the Sabbath (Saturday if you're Jewish, Sunday if you're Christian) off. (I'm not complaining though - talk about shooting myself in the foot if I do!)
I don't have a problem with these things if a group of Muslims pay for them (like if a collection was taken up at the university) but taxes should not go to these things.
Why are we allowing Jihadist blogs to be run in the US, for example, the one run by Samir Khan in Charlotte, NC, which advocates the killing of American soldiers?
The thing is, Gary, I call it the price we pay for living in a free society. Shutting them down would be leaning too far towards the kind of system that they want. I find them to be just as repellent, but I also find White Supremacists to be repellent and antithetical to a democratic society, yet I don't think that we should shut them down either.
Luckily we have people like you (and this is not meant as sarcasm in any way) who are willing to stand up to them. Hopefully you'll inspire others. Gotta win the battle of ideas, don't you know.
Why should Americans give a rat's rear end about Palestinians after they danced in the streets on 9-11?
Did every Palestinian dance? Was it even the majority? Was it just those few people I saw on TV? I don't have the answers to these questions, but they should be answered before your question, I think.
In light of the price of gasoline and the situation in the Middle East, why would anyone still object to the US drilling for oil here at home?
From what I understand, much of the criticism of this idea is that it's a very short-term solution, and we'd be back in the same mess all too soon. Don't quote me on that though.
I agree with those who are pushing toward alternative energy sources. In all honesty, to me this should be seen as a patriotic sort of a thing. If we could have been the first on the moon, why can't we have a car that runs on a cheap and readily available energy source? We should be leading the way on this. Then we can finally tell that douchebag in Saudi Arabia to kiss our collective ass. USA! USA! USA!!!
If Congress wanted to do something about the high cost of gasoline, why don't they suspend the state and federal taxes they get from the sale of each gallon? (Don't hold thy breath.)
Chances are better that a monkey will fly out of my butt.
Doesn't Congress have more important things to worry about than which athletes have taken steroids?
Indeed. They need to get on that whole thing where they ensure that Michael Bolton isn't allowed to record another album.
Is there anyone else out there except me that suspects that Hillary is still waiting in the weeds for Obama to have another major slip and cause Democrats to rethink their support of him for president?
Suspect it? Are you going for understatement?
There is hope for you yet, Lance.
Actually, during WW2, we incarcerated those Italian and German Americans who had been identified as connected to or sympathizing with the Axis. (German-American Bund, for example). Of course, the relocation of the Japanese-Americans was a tragic mistake because it was based solely on national origin and there were no cases of disloyalty.
Of course, the relocation of the Japanese-Americans was a tragic mistake because it was based solely on national origin and there were no cases of disloyalty.
Tell that to Michelle Malkin...yeesh!
In all seriousness, I think that if there is proof that these people are involved in attacks on this country, then imprisonment is a very real option. Let's hear it for the rule of law!
Let's take that a step farther. If they are here in the us and working with our enemies, then we need to take action. Legally, what we should consider is a formal declaration of war on terror. For these bastards to be sitting here enjoying the fruits of our country and siding with Al-Qaeda should not be protected by free speech. During WW2, we didn't tolerate that kind of sedition and we shouldn't now,
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