Hillary: "Let's get this over with quick, shall we?"
Obama: "Not soon enough for me, babe."
Today, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made a joint appearance in some town called Unity, New Hampshire to bring out the new Democratic buzzword-unity. They hugged, they kissed, they spoke of each other in glowing terms to the audience. So now, along with Change and Hope, we have Unity.
Hillary, as she spoke to the audience, conceded that the campaign had been "spirited". Then she threw a whopper out to the crowd when she explained that the campaign had been so "spirited" because, "we both care so much."
Yeah-about themselves.
Obama, probably gritting his teeth, told the audience that he needed the Clintons-both Hillary and Bill-who was conspicuously absent. Yes, America needed the Clintons, said Obama as Hillary stood next to him with that smug look on her face.
But the message of the day was UNITY. Unity for the Democratic Party and unity for America. How Hillary Clinton, one of the most polarizing figures in American political history, will bring unity to America Obama did not say, but why let that get in the way of a good speech line.
Once the show-and it was a show-was over, Hillary and Obama parted and stayed parted. They had both put in their eight hours of work, and it was time to go home.
As noted above, Bill was conspicuously absent fueling talk that he still can't bring himself to stand next to Obama and play the unity game, at least not yet. His horse-holders, of course, insist that Bill will campaign for Obama. Why not? That will give old Bill more opportunities to hop on that "campaign jet" that has been the subject of recent rumors.
All in all, today's appearance was a choreographed event designed to bring Democratic voters together, a cynical move that implies that said voters are gullible fools who will swallow anything their candidates say.
Perish the thought.
Now that we’re beyond Hillary, we can look forward to the first female VP, Sarah Palin, to become the first female President of the United States in 4 years!
Actually, I think America is ready for a female president, black president or whatever. But not just anybody. Opposing Hillary Clinton is not sexist, and opposing barack Obama is not racist. When the right one comes along based on ability, political philosophy, experience and character, it will happen.
A cursory googling of Sarah Palin would reveal that Palin is certainly the "right one" -- and she has already "come along"!
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