I swear, Bill and Hillary Clinton must be reading my blogs. No sooner did I call for Bill to bust loose again, he responded today in some place called Fayetteville, WV.
Standing before the usual crowd of curious on-lookers, Bill took exception to a woman in the crowd questioning his claims of all the work he and Hillary put in to bring about Health Care Reform.
"You're Wrong", he shouted-then proceeded to launch into a tirade about the "millions of documents" that show the work he and Hillary put into the issue.
"You interrupted me", the former president of the United States complained. He pointed his finger at the unfortunate lady in his inimitable fashion and berated her for having the temerity to doubt William Jefferson Clinton.
In truth, however, Mr Clinton might be excused for showing the strain of the past weeks and months. His dreams of returning in triumph to the White House, this time hanging on the skirt hem, er...coattails of his erstwhile wife now lie in tatters. No more will he be able to sneak behind that infamous door leading off from the Oval Office with some "special assistant to the First Husband".
He also can't be too happy about the new book that is coming out that talks about his post-White House philandering (Clinton in Exile by Carol Felsenthal). According to the book, Clinton is traveling the country campaigning in his own plane, separate from Hillary but accompanied by other ladies. ("Just make sure you're on the stage when I give my speech, Bill.") God forbid that this would outsell his own latest auto-puff-piece (Giving: How each of us can save the world-or some such nonsense).
At any rate, one cannot help but feel a touch of sadness that step-by-step, this fantastic campaign is coming to an end. But until it does, let's enjoy the ride.
OK, who's next? Reverend Wright, Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Bill. We're waiting.
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