"So I says to dis dolphin guy, whadda ya complainin' to me for? He's the Prince of Wales-not the Prince of Whales"
You gotta hand it to Prince Charles; the guy is funnier than a barrel of monkeys. Once again, this boob has put his foot in his mouth with some absurd comment about Global Warming-one of his biggest "causes"-typical of a man with a lot of time on his hands.
Now this guy has announced to the world that we only have 18 months left to reverse Global Warming or we will be faced with a series of natural disasters- you know, drowned polar bears washing up on the Thames River banks, tidal waves hitting Kansas, him becoming king and all that rot.
Charles also says that he is tired of talking himself blue in the face and people not taking him seriously. Take him seriously? Is he also sick of people laughing at him and calling him an idiot? I would hope that the people of Britain are tired of supporting Charles and his family in such an opulent life style-but that is their problem, not ours. (Thank God we fought the American Revolution. This jerk could have been the Prince of the United States as we speak.)
Take him seriously? To borrow a joke from Jay Leno, why should we take anything from him about Global Warming seriously when this is the one man in the world who thinks Camilla is hot? Take him seriously when, according to some historians, this guy may be a direct descendant of Jack the Ripper?
Take him seriously, indeed.
See, I'm a little more convinced of the evidence regarding global climate change than you are, but when people say stupid crap like this, I feel like slapping them upside the head and saying, "Can you please not be on my side?" (Rosie O'Donnel is another good example of this. I'll find myself agreeing with her at first, but then a minute into it and I'm wishing that she'd shut the hell up.)
Prince Charles, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Gore- I rest my case.
Well, in all honesty, I don't know how you can still defend O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc. You wouldn't actually try to tell me that they're any less ridiculous than Chuck, Rosie, and Al, would you?
(And let's not forget that most of the "stupid" things that Al Gore said weren't actually said by him! Not that I'm a Gore fan, mind you.)
Yes, I would.
But what do they have to do with this particular discussion?
Insert giggle here.
My point was just that the right has just as many loons voicing their opinions as the left does. (And yes, I'd call all of them loony.)
I don't know how somebody could laugh at O'Donnel, Prince Charles, etc. but then say about O'Reilly, Coulter, etc., "These folks are perfectly rational."
I mean, how many more times is O'Reilly going to get caught completely making something up out of nowhere until you say, "Okay, maybe he's not a trustworthy source"? How many more strawmen arguments will Hannity have to make? How many more people will Coulter have to visciously insult?
You're rightfully critical of the loons on the left, but you are far too forgiving when somebody's on your side. Those folks don't help your case.
I have agreed with some of your comments about O'Reilly. He has his flaws. As for Coulter, I will pass on your comments to her tonight. (LOL)
What I want to see is Coulter appear on Colbert's show. It'll be tough to figure out who's sincere and who's being satirical! (Kinda like the Dinesh D'Souza episode.)
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