This weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day-a tribute to those who have served in our military and especially to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Were it not for the American military forces, no one in the world would be living in freedom today.
No one.
Today, our armed forces are engaged in battle against Islamic terrorists-murderous fanatics who would enslave the world in their insane vision of religion. Our military personnel today are the very best of American society, and we should all be so grateful to them. Unfortunately, there are Americans who have never put on the uniform of the military who protest against them-including some of our political leaders. There are people in other countries who owe their very freedom to the American Armed Forces who protest against them.
To those, both in the US and around the world who denigrate our troops, I say to Hell with you. To those who complain about things like Abu Ghraib, Guantanemo and waterboarding- I say to Hell with you. You are not worthy of the sacrifices made by the American military and their families. You are not fit to shine their boots.
This weekend should be a time of gratitude, quiet reflection and celebration of our American heroes. Sadly, some will not be celebrating because they are against everything our military stands for. I am talking, for example, of the city leadership of places like San Francisco and Berkeley, cities that do not welcome Navy battleships or military recruiters. To them, I say to Hell with you.
There are those in Congress who have compared our soldiers to Nazis, Soviet Gulags, Genghis Khan, terrorists, and so on. To them, I say to Hell with you.
I am sorry that anger has entered into my own personal tribute to our military on their day. But the simple fact remains that there are too many in the US-and the world who are not worthy of the sacrifices made by our heroes.
So, if a person has issues with Abu Ghraib, Guantanemo and waterboarding, then they are somehow denigrating the entire U.S. Military?
See today's follow up
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