This is a doberman. It rhymes with Olbermann
This week, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann launched into another diatribe, this time a 12 minute attack on President Bush. Olbermann, who never lets a show go by without blasting the president ad hominem, apparently spends weeks drafting his own State of the Network speeches, drafted to release on his show, Countdown, on a regular basis.
The inspiration for Krazy Keith's latest Goofysburg Address was Bush's statement in an interview that he quit playing golf after the Iraq War started since it would appear unseemly, especially to parents of soldiers fighting in the Middle East. KKO's response is one of unhinged anger. Now, he is spending time and energy trying to document days when Bush has indeed played golf since the war started.
On this occasion, in referring to Bush's description of our enemies as "cold-blooded killers", Olbermann rhetorically asked the President if he was aware that people in his employ were "cold-blooded killers" who someday may be indicted for war crimes.
Really, Mr Olbermann? And who are these "cold-blooded killers" whom you are referring to? American soldiers? Donald Rumsfeld? Robert Gates? Condoleeza Rice? Indicted by whom? The UN? The World Court? C'mon, Keith. You are the brave voice of rebellion here. Name names.
This is clearly a man with issues. Aside from Bush, almost every night, Olbermann engages in attacks against Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. How unseemingly and unprofessional is that? What is it that O'Reilly did to you in the past, Mr Olbermann? There is clearly bad blood between the two. Why it has to be dragged onto the airwaves is beyond me.
The truth is that Keith Olbermann is a totally biased political commentator who switched from sports with ESPN to political commentary (and burned a lot of bridges in the process). He nightly has the same liberal houseguests like Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, Rachel Maddow of Air America, Chuck Todd, etc. Together, they all sit there and bash Bush and the Republicans. There are no opposing voices. True, Sean Hannity espouses the conservative point of view, but he engages in debate with those who disagree, as do most conservative commentators. The only thing Olbermann debates with is a TV camera and teleprompter.
Do I want Olbermann taken off the air? Absolutely not. Do I want some "Fairness Doctrine" to force him to bring in opposing voices? Absolutely not. Should MSNBC be pressured into firing him? Absolutely not. Mr Olbermann has every right to mount his soapbox every night and show his few viewers what a boob he is. If MSNBC wants to put his show on the air, that is their business. All I am saying is that when Olbermann shoots off his mouth, we will shoot off our mouths as well.
At any rate, Olbermann is genuinely outraged by President Bush. He actually believes the president is an evil-and stupid man. That is his right. It is also his right to say whatever he wants on his show. After all, we shouldn't be that upset. Krazy Keith Olbermann's ratings, like those of his network, are in the toilet.
Gary, I'm telling ya, these pundit shows are going to rot your brain. You should watch something with more intellectual content. You know, like Wheel of Fortune.
Oh, and after seeing the Ben Stein bit on Hannity & Colmes, I'm even more convinced that my "turd sandwich" analogy is accurate. Don't any of these morons do some basic research on an issue before discussing it?
But I'll give it to you that the more I see of Olbermann, the lamer I think that he is. It's like if The Daily Show wasn't funny and it wasn't willing to skewer the Democrats as well as the Republicans.
Oh, and your Dobermann thing might be a bit more accuarate for O'Reilly though - did you see the leaked footage of his meltdown? Colbert did a pretty funny spoof of it.
O'Reilly certainly does have issues, doesn't he? Olbermann is playing it over and over. I like many of the issues he raises, but I sure would never work for him. "Id be fired the first day.
Whenever I hear someone lament the dearth of Free Speech in this country, I ask them to explain the usually shuts 'em right up.
Good point. While we may not like Krazy Keith, the fact that he can get up on national tv and say things about the president like that proves that we have free speech.
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