
Friday, May 2, 2008

Fousesquawk for President

"Is this mike on?"

Below is the transcript for the big news conference where Fousesquawk announces his candidacy for president:

Reporter (R): "First question, Fousesquawk- What do you plan to do about global warming?"

Fousesquawk (F): "Nothing."

R: "Will you sign the Kyoto Treaty?"

F: "No."

R: "Sir, what role do you see for the federal government in solving the education crisis in this country?"

F: "None."

R: "What is your plan for Iraq?"

F: "Win."

R: "But when will you bring the troops home?"

F: "When we've won."

R: "What about Al Qaeda?"

F: "Kill 'em."

R: "How do you plan to deal with Iran?"

F: "Kill 'em."

R: "But we're not at war with Iran."

F: "Stand by."

R: "What about Guantanemo Bay?"

F: "Nice place."

R (Helen Thomas): "When are we going to stop killing people in the Middle East?"

F: "You mean terrorists, Helen. How does 2150 sound to you?"

R: "Sir, how do you plan to restore America's reputation in the eyes of the world?"

F: "I don't."

R: "But our European allies are angry with us."

F: "What else is new?"

R: "Do you have a Middle East peace plan"?

F: "Yes, support Israel."

R: But what about the Palestinian people?"

F: "What about 'em?"

R: "What is your plan for solving the energy crisis?"

F: "Two words: Anwar and refineries."

R: "But where will you build new refineries?"

F: "Hyannisport."

R: "But that's the home of the Kennedy compound."

F: "I know."

R: "What kind of justices would you put on the Supreme Court?"

F: "You don't want to know."

R: "But can you think of someone as a model of who you are looking for?"

F: "Roy Bean."

R: "Perhaps you have a plan to solve the housing crisis."

F: "What housing crisis?"

R: "Do you have a plan for comprehensive health care coverage?"

F: "Absolutely not."

R: "Do you have a comprehensive immigration plan?"

F: "No. Next question."

R: "What are your thoughts about taxes?"

F: "Bad idea."

R: "But how will government have the money for new programs?"

F: "It won't."

R: "Do you have any ideas about closing the gap between the rich and the poor?"

F: "Glad you asked. No."

R: "How do you plan to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats"?

F: "I don't. Next question."

R: "What country would you visit first after taking office?"

F: "I dunno, someplace warm."

R: "Do you have any ideas about a running mate?"

F: "Don't need no stinking running mate."

R: "What role do you envision for the First Lady in your administration."

F: "None."

R: "Don't you think that's rather sexist?"

F: "You bet'cha."

R: Who will be your White House press secretary?"

F: "No one."

R: "But how will the press know what's going on in the administration?"

F: "They won't. Next question."

R: "But don't the American people have the need to know?"

F: "The only thing the people need to know is the ball scores."

R: "Are you prepared to debate the other candidates?"

F: "No."

R: "Why not?"

F: "What's to debate?"

Final question:

R: Mr Fousesquawk, it is clear you have absolutely no plan whatsoever. How do you expect to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate?"

F: "Two words: Barack Obama."


Lance Christian Johnson said...

While I realize that this was mostly tongue-in-cheek, I'm still wondering what "win" in Iraq means. Besides, I thought we won already. I mean, I saw a big "Mission Accomplished" sign on an aircraft carrier. Big banners don't lie, do they?

Also, while my point isn't to defend Obama, does the guy you're planning on voting for, McCain, have much of a plan either?

Gary Fouse said...

Hey, I'm not Dana Perino.

As for McCain, he was not my preferred candidate. When it comes to illegal immigration, Anwar, and a lot of other things, I strongly disagree with him. But yes, I will certainly vote for him over Clinton or Obama.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to campaigning.