"Hey, I don't know the guy man. We just happened to cross paths in the paddy wagon."
One of the biggest arguments I have heard Barack Obama's defenders make in regards to the Jeremiah Wright controversy is that Obama should not have to suffer "Guilt by Association". In other words, Wright's fiery sermons should not be applied to Obama. That point is well taken, but it gives rise to the question-is guilt by association ever justified? I would say sometimes it is.
For example, if you belong to the Hell's Angels, I am going to make a pretty negative judgement about you. Even if you don't belong to the Hell's Angels, but you frequent their favorite bar, I will still make that same judgement. Same if you belong to the KKK, frequent their bars or merely hang out with them. Guilt by association? You bet'cha.
So should Barack Obama be viewed with suspicion if he has attended the same church for 20 years with a pastor (and mentor) who says such negative things about his country, Jews and white people? Obama says he does not share those views. That's all well and good. What about Wright's association with Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan (with whom he traveled to Libya in 1984 to meet Moamar Khadafi). Guilt by association there? Perhaps you might argue that is too many steps removed.
Now let's bring it back a step closer to home for Obama. On July 22, 2007, the Trinity United Church of Christ newsletter (Pastor's Page) printed a piece by Mousa Abu Marzook. Who is this gentleman you ask? This character is a high-ranking member of the terrorist group, Hamas, which is engaging in the murder of Israeli civilians in the name of "reclaiming Palestine". Mr Marzook, who has also been linked to the notorious Holyland Foundation (a Hamas front group), currently lives in Syria, and is described by some as the "brains behind Hamas". In this piece, which appeared in the Pastor's Page, Marzook justifies the acts of terror (suicide bombings, blowing up buses and pizza parlors, etc)as legal resistance against an occupation.
What in tarnation is this pastor and this church doing in printing an article by a terrorist justifying the murder of innocent men, women and children?
However, as always, Obama never happened to read this particular newsletter. In fact, he has now added the disclaimer that not only did he not hear certain sermons, but didn't read every newsletter. How convenient.
How many more revelations can come out about this pastor and his church that Obama was not aware of? At a certain point, it is going to sound like a member of the KKK saying that he never heard the epithets. "Hey, I thought it was just a sports club. I never knew."
Now comes the revelation that Pastor Wright is moving into a 10,000 sq ft home in a rich, lily-white suburb. That's fine with me, but maybe some of his less well-off parishioners will feel betrayed by their pastor going off to live with those "rich white people" he used to excoriate.
Guilt by association, perhaps?
Well written WELL SAID. I do not know when this story appeared, I just came upon it late Oct 2008. Nothing about Obama and all his horrid disgusting friends surprises me and I am wondering when and where did this article appear and did Obama ever visit Lybia or any other Muslim country not as a Senator which of course would always serve as great cover /' He didn't travel there as a 'secret Muslim' but as an American politician'
How we wished that THIS and or this sort of story would be published in a paper like The NEW YORK TIMES or The WA post
Well I can always dream can't I
I breezed through what you had to say and I am on the same page. I am doing a little bit of research so that I can give out some info. before the big election. I don't think it is a coincidence that Farrakhan, Ayers, and Obama all live in the same neighborhood do you. How many neighborhoods can boast so many terrorists! I know you might think this is a stretch and might write me off as a nut, but I think it is strange the way people hail Obama as the messiah. It makes me wonder if he could be the antiChrist or the more literal definition the psuedo(instead of) Christ. He is charasmatic, he says he cares about Israel, but really doesn't, he has dark allies. Maybe just coincidence. We know he is a liar... Well any way Gotta get back to work. By the way, I grew up in Long Beach, lived in Huntington Beach, Went to church out in Costa Mesa..am in South Carolina now. Thanks for your article!
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