United Nations Commission on Human Rights- "Be it resolved....."
Just before New Year, and after several years of drafts and debate, the UN General Assembly passed what is called the Resolution on Combating Defamation of Religions. The name sounds noble enough, and many of the articles contained herein also sound noble if not inocuous. The problem is, however, that it is only aimed at the defamation of one religion-Islam. There is no mention of any other religion being subject to persecution or defamation. There is also no mention of the true perpetrators of religious intolerance in the world today-radical Islam. As it is, it is just another example of the moral corruption epitomized by the United Nations.
I won't bother to reprint the entire document-rather, I will leave that to the reader to look it up. I will, however, list some of the paragraphs-those that single out the one religion that, according to the UN, is being subjected to defamation and persecution.
"The General Assembly,...."
* "Noting with deep concern the increasing trend in recent years of statements attacking religions, Islam and Muslims in particular, especially in human rights forums."
* "Notes with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamtion of religions and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001."
* "Expresses its deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism."
* "Deplores the use of print, audio-visual and electronic media, including the Internet and any other means to incite acts of violence, xenophobia or related intolerance and discrimination against Islam or any other religion."
* "Alarmed at the continuing negative impact of the events of September 11, 2001 on Muslim minorities and communities in some non-Muslim countries and the negative projection of Islam in the media and the introduction and enforcement of laws that specifically discriminate against and target Muslims."
What is so striking about this resolution is that only one religion is singled out as being defamed/persecuted- Islam. There are only a couple of references to "the tragic events of September 11 2001-with no mention of who carried those events out and for what motive. There are only a couple of references to defamation of "any other religion".
Yet, nowhere is there a word about true acts of violence, murder and terror being carried out by Muslims in the name of Jihad virtually every day against non-Muslims.
Nor is there a word about the daily acts of violence, murder and terror being carried out by Muslims against other Muslims (e.g- Shia against Sunni and vice-versa).
Not a word about why 9-11 was carried out or by whom.
Not a word about the London bombings, who did it and why.
Not a word about the Madrid bombings-who did it or why.
Not a word about the bombing in Bali-who did it or why.
Not a word about Darfur.
Not a word about the beheadings of Daniel Pearl or Nick Berg as their killers shouted "Allahu Akbar".
Not a word about Saudi law that makes it illegal to openly practice any other religion in the Kingdom.
Not a word about the persecution of members of the Ba'hai faith in the Islamic Republic of Iran-persecution that includes murder.
Not a word about demonstrations by UK Muslims calling for the beheadings or slaughter those who defame Islam.
Not a word about the proclamations of Imams and their followers calling for the imposition of Islam and Shariah law in their adopted Western countries-and indeed, all over the world.
Not a word about Fatwas-orders for the killing of people in the west, like Salmon Rushdie, for defaming Islam.
Not a word about the riots and killings carried out by Muslims in reaction to a bunch of silly Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed in a negative light.
Not a word about the rise of anti-Semitism (Jewish)fomented by western Muslims.
Not a word about textbooks and main stream newspapers throughout the Middle East that portray Jews as sub-humans, monkeys and pigs.
Not a word about the desecration of Jewish synagogues and cemeteries by Muslim immigrants in France.
Not a word about the Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel.
Not a word about a culture that raises children to want to become martyrs and blow themselves up-killing scores of innocents in the process.
Not a word about so-called "honor killings"-sometimes practiced in Muslim families in the West in contravention of law.
Not a word about forced female circumcision, also often practiced in Muslim enclaves in the West, in contravention of law.
Not a word about the stoning or hanging of women in places like Iran or Saudi Arabia-who were unfortunate enough to have been raped-thus becoming in the eyes of those societies, "impure".
Not a word about the Taliban executions of women in soccer stadiums for the crime of adultery.
Not a word about the blowing up of ancient Buddhist sculptures in Afghanistan under the Taliban.
Not a word about the on-going campaign of terror against Buddhists in southern Thailand by Islamic separatists.
Not one word.
Below are listed the countries on the UN Commission on Human Rights that authored this resolution, and how they voted.
Voting in favor:
Burkina Faso
Costa Rica
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Voting against:
Domincan Republic
United Kingdom
There are two ways to interpret the identification of the countries involved in this resolution. Some would interpret it (with a few exceptions) as white vs non-white or East vs West. I would interpret it(with few exceptions) as free vs non-free.
My point is three-fold: First, this is just another example of the moral rot in the UN-a corrupt organization made up mostly of corrupt, non-democratic nations, hostile to the West and hostile to true democracy.
Second: This is just another example of the UN's desire to accommodate Islam-a form of Djimmitud, if you will, that will only lead to the creeping authority of the Muslim world and the loss of our own hard-earned freedoms.
Third: Notice how much of the resolution's language is focused not just on laws and discriminatory practices, but words and thought, for example the press and Internet. Does the United Nations want its member countries to crack down on any criticism of Islam and its terroristic elements? Is any criticism of Islam to be outlawed? Are we to have censureship?
I hope this resolution gets the widest publicity possible. Maybe someday, America will wake up to the fact that the United Nations is a failed experiment that no longer deserves the financial support or the membership of the US-or any other free and democratic nation.
My Dear Mr. Fouse,
You can almost hear the Islamaniacs giggling from here can you not? Gleefully lobbing off heads, blowing up market-goers, sniping at U.S. soldiers ... or Muslim children ... the distinction is irrelevant to them; all the while our beloved U.N. (22%funded by U.S. tax dollars)tells we Westerners how racist and Islamophobic we are.
At least the League of Nations was merely useless. The U.N. is once again proving itself the League's deviant offspring; a wanton, perverted teenager recklessly cavorting about in its false authority. May it soon experience the same fate as its predecessor. A demise long overdue!
You have done a great service in bringing this to light.
When I posted my expose & denunciation of the resolution at A Newt One and Freedom Ain't Free, I also posted two new on line petitions:
The first demands withdrawal from the U.N. The second demands derecognition & outlawing of Islam.
The html source of the NoToIslam petition is posted, with active hyperlinks, at http://snooper.wordpress.com .
Mr. Fouse, we have a major disagreement.
Islam is a war machine, not a religion. It has no spiritual or eleemosynary purpose. Its mission is mercenary and its method is martial.
K.S.A. does not allow the practice of Judaism or Christianity. Do you know why that is? Islam declares itself the only true religion, to the exclusion of all others. Nothing else is acceptable. Jews, Christians & Zoroastrians may live as sub humans under a treaty of peace, revocable at will. Atheists and polytheists must be killed.
Because the founding fathers accepted the traditional error of assuming Islam to be a religion, they foolishly gave it coverage from the umbrella of first amendment protection.
The petition demands recognition of the fact that Islam is war, not religion. That fact is provable from its own texts. I have exposed most of the evidence in this blog post: http://crusadersarmory.blogspot.com/2006/03/roots-of-islamic-terrorism.html
Islam denies freedom of every kind to all who do not practice it. It goes farther, denying the sanctity of their blood and property, declaring perpetual open season on us. I know of no good cause for tolerating that.
Your points are well taken. If you read my recent post on Islam, you know I share many of your misgivings on Islam.
It seems to me that the religion is in major need of a Reformation, much like the one led by Martin Luther. Many of the writings in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammed are simply not compatible for the 21 st century. Not that I don't believe in certain "timeless truths", we Christians and Jews have them as well, but I am talking specifically about tenets of Islam that would keep us all from living together in peace and mutual respect. I attended a speech not long ago by Yvonne Ridley, a Muslim convert from the UK-she is a radical in my view. She pointed out that in the entire history of the Koran (unlike the Bible), it has not changed one comma or squiggle. Maybe that is part of the problem.
So you and I share the same worries. Where we disagree is on the remedy. I want to support those courageous Muslims who take a stand and recognize that certain ideas about intolerance and violence must be rejected. Check out the names in my last blog. If you are not familiar with them, you should find out about them. Actually I did a posting on them. (Muslim Heretics).
As for outlawing Islam, that will not work. Truly religious people will worship underground if they must-and they will become truly disaffected from our country. Many of the younger Muslims in America were born here and are US citizens. We need their loyalty.
It is freedom of religion, be it Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim or Atheist that we must stand for-even to the death because Muslims must understand that while we respect their choice of religion in America, they can never impose theirs upon the rest of us.
I share your suspicions. I personally don't care if we put bugs in every mosque in America if that is what it takes to protect against further 9-11s. (9-11, as you know, was not carried out by US Muslims.) I also think we need to look carefully at who we allow to immigrate. If they are bringing hatreds with them, if they are unwilling to assimilate into our society and accept our values of freedom and tolerance, then they should stay where they are. I also think that those non-citizens who come here and show themselves to be radicals, should be deported as "undesireable aliens" (whatever happened to that concept?) American Muslims, if they join the other side, are subject to the appropriate laws and laws of sedition. A couple of years ago, John Howard, PM of Australia, publicly told his Muslim population that very thing.
I agree with you on many points, Ben, but outlawing a major religion that is practiced by what-1/5th? of the world's population, is not a sound idea. We are better than that.
Gary Fouse has left a new comment on the post "UN Resolution on Combating Defamation of Religions...":
Gary, I have placed my responses in brackets [].
Your points are well taken. If you read my recent post on Islam, you know I share many of your misgivings on Islam.
It seems to me that the religion is in major need of a Reformation, much like the one led by Martin Luther.
[Luther was able to initiate reform precisely because Catholicism had become corrupted. Islam has not become corrupted, it is mercenary & martial by design. Islam's canon of scripture & tradition preclude reform. For details, see: http://www.geocities.com/crusadersarmory/downloads/CanIslambeReformed.pdf]
Many of the writings in the Koran and the teachings of Mohammed are simply not compatible for the 21 st century. Not that I don't believe in certain "timeless truths", we Christians and Jews have them as well, but I am talking specifically about tenets of Islam that would keep us all from living together in peace and mutual respect.
[Those ayat are accpted as part of Allah's perfect, final and immutable word, to be believed and carried out. ]
I attended a speech not long ago by Yvonne Ridley, a Muslim convert from the UK-she is a radical in my view. She pointed out that in the entire history of the Koran (unlike the Bible), it has not changed one comma or squiggle. Maybe that is part of the problem.[ Don't believe everything a Muslim tells you. There were several versions, Uthman had them compared & recompiled, and the origional fragments burned. Clasical Arabic, in which the early Qur'ans were written, lacked vowels and diacritical marks. You had to memorize the words and use the text as a memory aid. ]
So you and I share the same worries. Where we disagree is on the remedy. I want to support those courageous Muslims who take a stand and recognize that certain ideas about intolerance and violence must be rejected. Check out the names in my last blog. If you are not familiar with them, you should find out about them. Actually I did a posting on them. (Muslim Heretics).
As for outlawing Islam, that will not work. Truly religious people will worship underground if they must-and they will become truly disaffected from our country. Many of the younger Muslims in America were born here and are US citizens. We need their loyalty. [We can not possibly obtain their loyalty if they are believing Muslims. Their only loyalty is to Allah, Moe, tribe, extended family and immediate family. Muslim American is an oxymoron.]
It is freedom of religion, be it Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim or Atheist that we must stand for-even to the death because Muslims must understand that while we respect their choice of religion in America, they can never impose theirs upon the rest of us.
[Respect must be mutual. Tolerance must be mutual. Islam respects no religion and tolerates none. Islam demands total submission on a global scale: convert or die. There is no right to murder. There is no right to rape. There is no right to plunder. Islam assumes a right and duty to kill you, rape your wife and sell your children into slavery. Your blood and property are not sacred to Muslims until you join them! This is why Islam can not be tolerated. When their numbers reach the threshhold of impunity, they raise Hell. Look at Malmo, and the suburbs of Paris. The same thing will eventually happen in Dearborn. ]
I share your suspicions. I personally don't care if we put bugs in every mosque in America if that is what it takes to protect against further 9-11s. (9-11, as you know, was not carried out by US Muslims.) I also think we need to look carefully at who we allow to immigrate. If they are bringing hatreds with them, if they are unwilling to assimilate into our society and accept our values of freedom and tolerance, then they should stay where they are. I also think that those non-citizens who come here and show themselves to be radicals, should be deported as "undesireable aliens" (whatever happened to that concept?) American Muslims, if they join the other side, are subject to the appropriate laws and laws of sedition. A couple of years ago, John Howard, PM of Australia, publicly told his Muslim population that very thing.
[Nice concept, but unenforceable under the present system. It is necessary to derecognize Islam; to concede the fact that Islam is not a religion. No beneficial actions or policies are possible until that crucial step is taken.]
I agree with you on many points, Ben, but outlawing a major religion that is practiced by what-1/5th? of the world's population, is not a sound idea. We are better than that.
[If we have it your way, we will be subjected to constant terrorism until we are finally conquered. Islam is permanent war, not a religion. It was concocted for the purpose of motivating a pack of Arabs to engage in piracy for Moe's enrichment. Its faith component serves as a motivational tool ( carrot and stick) and camouflage (preventing intended prey from recognizing the predator).]
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