
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Death of Sir Edmund Hillary (Hillary Clinton Namesake)

Mrs Pinnochio for President!

Today we have learned of the death of Sir Edmund Hillary, famed mountain climber who burst upon the world scene in 1953 when he and his Sherpa guide became the first persons to reach the summit of Mt Everest. His feat was so great that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund.

Just for the record, Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in 1947, six years before Sir Edmund Hillary made history.


judybean said...

Please look at my post on the HeadingRight BlogTalk Radio, in reply to your essay, "Two Names on the Wall".
I want to reach you.

judybean said...

Please see my post on CreativeRight in response to your essay, "Two Names on the Wall". I want to reach you.