"Raise your hands, you Republican swine! Sheez!"
To me, there is only one story coming out of the Republican debate in Iowa-and it isn't any of the candidates. The whole story today was the so-called moderator, Carolyn Washburn, Editor of the Des Moines Register. She literally stole (or destroyed) the debate with her best impersonation of Nurse Ratchet.
Incredibly, Washburn set a groundrule that Iraq and Illegal Immigration would not be discussed. Excuse me? Aren't these two of the biggest issues before the American public today? Well, not to Ms Washburn. Apparently, the taciturn lady places global warming on a higher plane. When she asked for a show of hands among candidates if global warming was a problem and caused by humans, Fred Thompson refused to play the game (to his credit), to Ms Washburn's great annoyance.
On several occasions, the humorless Ms Washburn scolded the candidates for one offense or another and cut off exchanges between candidates. On one occasion, Alan Keyes (where did he come from?)protested his being given a shorter time to respond than other candidates. Typically, Washburn refused to budge. She also inserted her own personal opinion into a question on human rights-"Considering that poverty and abuse foster terrorism......."
I did think, however, that most of the candidates did very well in articulating their philosophy on taxes and spending.
Of course, none of that kept the "always fair and balanced" Keith Olbermann and his nightly left-wing guests from nit-picking all of the candidates on his nightly "news" broadcast, while ignoring the obvious headline story of Ms Washburn. Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post even expressed sympathy for Washburn for having to deal with the likes of Keyes. If Keith had an ounce of objectivity, he would have named Washburn tonight's "Worst Person in the Woooorld".
Which brings to mind a final question: Why are the Republicans always having to hold their debates before liberal, Democratic moderators, while Democrats are questioned by.....liberal, Democratic moderators? Surely, most of the viewing public has picked up on that by now. (I should add that I don't know Washburn's political affiliation-but I can sure make an educated guess.)
As Ms Washburn herself was heard to mutter during the debate, "Sheez!"
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