NBC has just cemented its reputation as the most left-wing major broadcast network by refusing an ad from Freedoms Watch that thanks the American troops serving overseas during the holidays. (The ad has been accepted by Fox News and CNN.) As its reason, NBC says that the ad would have carried Freedoms Watch URL web address at the bottom, to which they object. (Freedoms Watch counters that the URL is necessary for viewers to refer to the site in order to access further information relative to sending support to the troops.) NBC also states their policy of refusing controversial political ads. Oh really? So thanking our American soldiers for serving their country overseas in a war zone during the holidays is too controversial? Too political? Is that your position, NBC? What is your opinion, Brian Williams? Or yours, Keith Olbermann?
It is true, as NBC's defenders would point out, that any network has the right to accept or refuse any ad it wants. I agree. However, the action of NBC in refusing this particular ad speaks volumes about where they stand. If NBC, as a corporation, is against the war in Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan, or the overall War on Terror, that is their right. But what is the problem in at least giving some sort of thanks to our soldiers who will not be with their families during the holidays?
I can only conclude that the liberal suits at NBC are not only against what the troops are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, but they could care less about the troops themselves.
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