Once again, conservative talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh is the target of the left-wing that is determined to bring him down one way or another. Ironically, the left is now charging that Rush has defamed the military with his comment about "phony soldiers". Interesting that the left is now claiming to be the defenders of our troops. These are the same folks that have called our troops Nazis, Soviet Gulags, cold-blooded murderers, terrorists of Iraqi civilians in the dead of night, bombers of Iraqi civilians, ad nauseum. These are the same folks that demonstrate against military recruiters on college campuses. These are the same folks that have put out the "Not Welcome" sign for the military in San Francisco. Now they are "defending" the troops against Rush Limbaugh.
This little bruhaha started this week when Limbaugh, in a conversation with a caller, referred to "phony soldiers" who had aligned themselves with the anti-war left. Rush's opponents have interpreted this as an attack against any military service personnel who disagree with the Iraq War. It is clear that Limbaugh was not referring to the above, rather more specifically to "phony soldiers" like Jesse MacBeth. This is the character who washed out of basic training in 2004, but went on to present himself as an Army Ranger who had witnessed horrible atrocities carried out by US Military personnel against Iraqi civilians, statements that picked up a lot of traction from the anti-war left until shown to be a lie. Eventually, it was brought out that MacBeth had never been a Ranger, had never been to Iraq and had fabricated his charges. He has now pleaded guilty to attempting to defraud the Veterans Administration. It was clearly MacBeth that Limbaugh was referring to in his comments.
That has not stopped the Democrat buffoons in Congress from wasting the taxpayers time and money in throwing out resolutions of condemnation against the popular and influencial conservative talk show host. For sheer effrontery, few can top Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who Limbaugh regularly (and with precision) describes as "Dingy" Harry. Reid has led the charge against Limbaugh for his comment-never mind the fact that Reid has recently called the war in Iraq "lost" and the "Surge" a failure. Then there is Sen Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) who made the caustic remark that Limbaugh must be back on his drugs again, a reference to his previous addiction to pain-killers.
The fact of the matter is that Limbaugh has consistently, over the years, shown himself to be a staunch supporter of the Armed Forces as well as their effort in Iraq and Afghanistan. Can the same be said of Reid, John Kerry, Dick Durbin, John Murtha,and Barack Obama? (Try a little matching quiz and match the politician with the statements outlined in the first paragraph.) To be fair and accurate, Murtha and Kerry are both combat veterans from previous wars, but they have hardly shown themselves to be supporting today's military, as evidenced by their public statements. They have both made inflammatory comments about our military personnel in Iraq.
This public hissy fit on the part of the Democrats in Congress is just a "hail Mary pass" to try and bring down one of the right's most articulate and effective spokespersons, something they have been unable to do for years. Similar efforts are underway as we speak against Fox's Bill O'Reilly and conservative commentator Michael Medved. The public should see them for what they are. Next week, it will be somebody else for something else. The elimination of public debate by character assassination is now a highly-refined art on the part of the left.
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