
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Middle East Scholars Letter to Boycott Israeli Academic Institutions

Hat tip Cinnamon Stillwell of Campus Watch

I want you to read this letter written by a bunch of university professorial types- and librarians, no less- urging a boycott of  Israeli universities in the wake of the Israel-Hamas fighting in Gaza.

Is it not interesting that these "scholars", who are mostly Middle Eastern in origin, have absolutely zero to say about the massacres going on in Iraq and Syria? People are being slaughtered, in many cases beheaded, because they are Christians or Shi'ite Muslims.

This letter has nothing to say about that.

In Africa, in places like Nigeria, the Islamic terror organization, Boko Haram, murders people by the hundreds and kidnaps schoolgirls, who are forced to convert to Islam.

No mention of that in the letter.

In fact, virtually everywhere you look where there is fighting in Africa, it is because Muslims are trying to impose Islam and Sharia law upon non-Muslims.

Nothing about that in the letter.

Nor is there any mention of the anti-Semitism raging in Europe mostly stirred up by Muslim immigrants.

I won't repeat my pro-Israel points here or my defense of Israel in this latest round of fighting. I have said that over and over.

But is it not interesting that in the face of all this horror going on in the immediate and general region of Israel-nothing is said about that in the letter? Would you like an explanation?

It is because it is all about religion. Muslims will never accept the existence of a Jewish nation in the Middle East. With the current outbreak of fighting Jew-hatred has gone off the map in Europe and here in America, no matter how much they deny it, it is just below the surface waiting to bust out.

And the focal point for this anti-Semitic resurgence in the US is right smack dab in our universities.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, to be fair, ISIS doesn't have any exchange agreements with American universities.

Gary Fouse said...

They probably will soon.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Wanna bet on that?

(Any bet is invalid if ISIS takes military control of North America.)