"Four years after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake toppled the capital city of Port-au-Prince and heavily damaged other parts of the country, hundreds of millions of dollars from the State Department's U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), allocated to the IHRC, are gone. Hundreds of millions more to the IHRC from international donors have also been spent. Left behind is a mishmash of low quality, poorly thought-out development experiments and half-finished projects."
Common Sense Wonder (and Fox News) are reporting that there are a lot of questions being asked about the reconstruction of Haiti after that disastrous 2010 earthquake. A lot of money was sent to Haiti, and the results are reportedly not so impressive. Then you add the fact that the US State Department, through its Agency for International Development, sent hundreds of millions of dollars into Haiti. Guess who was secretary of state.
Now guess who was managing most of that aid.
The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission.
And who is the top official of that organization?
Read on.
So the State Department under Hillary Clinton appointed the IHRC under Bill Clinton to administer hundreds of millions of dollars being pumped into Haiti (which has largely disappeared-the money- not Haiti yet), and you think maybe-just maybe- there is a conflict of interest somewhere?
Ahh! So now we knowwhere the missing 6 billion dollars went. The Department of State cannot find the money. I say look no further that Bill.
Here is the link:
I used to do business in Haiti. The deal was then (and I suppose it is more or less the same now) was this: The first third goes to the supplier, usually in advance. The second third went to the Minister, depending on whether it was Minister of Defense or Interior, etc. I suppose a lot of that was kicked upstairs. The last third was split between you, the procurer of the contract and me, the guy who found the supplier. Also we were the last to be paid because we had to wait until the goods were delivered. Everyone else was paid in advance.
Price was never a question because everyone's cut just increased. Quality or performance was also never a consideration. It only had to look like it worked or worked at least as long as the demo or sample worked. So if a project looks like homes are being built, or a machine whirs and burrs and looks like it will produce a razor blade, that's good enough.
Problems only came up if, say, an order was under the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Defense decided it should have been his order instead.
So things cost 3 times as much as they should and there is no follow through on building completions. Everyone is on the next project.
Perfect environment for the Clintons. No real accountability for huge amounts of money and no performance ratings afterwards.
My few side deals were in the $100,000 range total but the Clinton's are in the hundreds of millions. No excuse, jus saying how things work there.
I doubt if the Clinton's were personally embezzling money. I doubt if even Gary or Squid or Miggie or Findalis are dumb enough to believe that.
Its quite possible there was a good deal of graft as to whatever money entered Haitian channels. That's a way of life in Haiti, and everyone knows it. That's also why donors try to put the money directly into their own projects, rather than funnel it through the Haitian government.
But the bottom line is, hundreds of millions of dollars aren't generating a big impression because rebuilding Haiti required and requires tens of billions of dollars, and the country doesn't have an economy capable of generating it.
Nickling and diming seldom works well, and often results in making worse what could have been made much better by a better vision of what could be done and what it would really cost.
Thanks for the link, Squid.
It is amazing that so much can be covered so long on Hillary Clinton's watch as Secretary of State. Even more amazing that this isn't the banner headline in every newspaper in the country. Wouldn't be helpful for her image, I suppose.
No doubt, as one of the bloggers noted, the money will surface in her campaign in one way or another.
Who says she didn't do anything as Secretary of State? Getting 6 billion sidetracked for you is no small feat.
Where did the 6 million go, that cannot be tracked or found by the State Department under Hillary. Can one imagine how much money would disappear if she were to become the POTUS?
Squid, I answered your question under the post where Gary posted it after reading your ignorant comment here. The money didn't go anywhere in particular. Its a sum total of the result of sloppy accounting in a number of different areas, and it undoubtedly still exists, they just need to bring the paperwork up to snuff.
Miggie describes a perfect environment for draining away money with little to show for it, but not an environment where the Clinton's could enrich themselves, seeing as how they are neither the Minister of Interior nor the Minister or Defense. Miggie couldn't even enrich himself in that environment, so how would the Clintons?
Ah yes. Sloppy accounting. Just need to bring the paperwork up to snuff. Perhaps, we should send them more money to buy paper.
There are already people in place whose job it is to identify and resolve this deficiency. That's the only reason you have any report to play with -- because those people are doing their job and identifying the misfeasance.
If there were some kind of massive corruption pervading the Obama administration, as you dearly wish, then this report would never have seen the light of day.
That's what Nixon thought.
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