A few years ago, I happened to visit Buchenwald, one of the Nazis' more notorious concentration camps in Germany (near Weimar). I remember they did have a small gift shop. As best I can recall, the shop consisted of documentary books about the camp. I purchased one while I was there.
Today I watched a report on Fox News about the new 9-11 Museum gift shop and the complaints coming in about the tackiness of some of the souvenir items, like t-shirts, hoodies, earrings, baseball caps and coffee mugs. I have to agree with those complaints. I may be in error, but I do not recall anything of the sort being sold at Buchenwald, and I certainly never would have purchased such items at such a consecrated place.
If you want to view more of what is being sold at this store, check out the below Daily Mail (UK) article.
We are not talking about sports memorabilia here. This is not the Dodger Stadium gift shop. To me, to sell such items at a 9-11 memorial site is beyond tacky. It trivializes the dead and their survivors. I realize that there must be a source of revenue to keep the shop in operation, but couldn't they limit their merchandise to books or items of a true historical and educational nature?
The sheer tackiness of this shop is beyond belief. I hope nobody buys anything in this place.
1 comment:
To be really tacky "My uncle died rescuing people from the Twin Towers, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
Yeah, that's horrible. They probably aren't being quite so insensitive, but souvenir news video compilations on DVD is about as far as I would go. (For all you Francophobes and UC Santa Cruz community studies majors, souvenir is French for "to remember," not "cute t shirt.")
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