
Monday, May 12, 2014

A Victory at UCLA: Target of BDS Wins Student Government Seat

Hat tip Mike Report and Counter Terrorism blog

Avinoam Baral won a seat on the UCLA student senate in spite of the efforts of the brown shirt Boycott Israel thugs to defeat him because (unlike so many other craven candidates) he refused to sign a pledge not to visit Israel-or some such rot. In the below posting from the Mike Report, please note the reference to the UCLA newspaper of the Muslim Student Association, Al Talib.

Al Talib has a history at UCLA since in years past it has sung the praises of none other than the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdul Rahman and Usama bin Laden himself.


Unknown said...

Thanks Gary! The more you dig, the nastier it gets!

Miggie said...

This last link, "Ms. Lekovic...A Dozen Printing Mistakes?"exposes the typical lying so common in the Muslim organizations. When they try to back out, they forget to explain all the other instances that expose their lies.

For close to 100 years now we have made the same miscalculation so often that it is ingrained. That miscalculation is that the Arabs and particularly the Muslims are objects and not actors: as people who respond to stimuli and incentives rather than a people who are primarily motivated by their own internal theological, motivations, and interests. They don't care what we think about how abhorrent their acts. They want to kill or terrorize their targets.

It is as stupid to think that a hashtag or even world-wide condemnation is of any interest at all to groups like Boko Haram, or all the other Muslim Brotherhood off shoots. Only if they are physically stopped or eliminated will they back off and consider consequences next time.