
Friday, November 15, 2013

More on the San Francisco State University Farce

Hat tip to Dusty

"My heroes have always killed colonizers"

Poster at SFSU

The San Francisco State University newspaper, Golden Gate Express, has a glowing article on an ugly event. The glorification of Edward Said, who was a Palestinian professor at Columbia University, a man who came to live and work in America and trashed the West in return for its supposed lack of respect for the poor Arab world. (Note the photos in the below link)

“It was decided that overall, it was more important to have a mural honoring Palestinian culture than to continue fighting to have these images,” said Susan Greene, one of the muralists and a former SF State professor."


"Above Said is the word “salaam,” which means peace, and the characters of the word make an image of two doves intertwined, a symbol for peace."

That's Palestinian culture, Professor Greene.

A few days ago, I posted a report on the goings-on at SFSU. Again, note the photos in the link within my own link below. How does the phrase, "My heroes have always killed colonizers", jive with the above statement about peace?

This is the kind of indoctrination our children are being exposed to in the universities.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

Part of the articles says:" “Edward Said has created a space for us to talk about the rampant Islamaphobia and anti-Palestinian sentiment that happens in the academy and media and we thought he was a perfect person to honor,” said Jackie Husary, an SF State international relations graduate."

I was wondering if there was any evidence of the rampant Islamaphobia and anti-Palestinian sentiment?

It is just another lie that they hope people will accept because they say it with such conviction. It is playing the victim card without having a victim.