
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anjem Choudary's Network

Hat tip Clarion Project

Anjem Choudary-He's the nosepicker in the middle.

While it's easy to poke fun at this vile creature, Anjem Choudary is the focal point of Islamic extremism in the UK. In this report by the Clarion Project, Choudary is linked to the jihadist forces leaving the UK to go and fight with al Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria.

Hopefully, the Brits, if they can find the spine, will find a law that will enable them to put this mope away for a few decades. As for the ones who are answering his call to go and fight in Syria (and who knows where else), let us pray that they shall not return, but fall in battle. Then Choudary can mount their names on some "wall of honour' in whatever hole he happens to reside in (at British government expense, mind you).


Siarlys Jenkins said...

The nose picker is on the right.

Gary Fouse said...

That makes two.