
Monday, April 1, 2013

Anjem "the Bearded Clam" Choudary Spreads His Message of Conquest to Finland

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

British Islamist supremacist Anjem "the bearded clam" Choudary has taken his message of Islamic conquest to Finland with the usual hyperbole.

Good luck with that, Anjem. If you can get the Finns to give up the vodka, more power to you.

God, I wish the Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine would bring this yahoo to speak during their annual hate week in May.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Nobody ever accused this guy of being politically astute. Reminds me of Qaddafi in Italy hiring a whole bunch of call girls, then handing them copies of the Qu'ran and his little green book, admonishing them to lead chaste and moral lives.