
Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Classic Huffpo Piece

Cross-posted from Atlas Shrugs and Huffpo

Craig Considine, who is a PhD candidate (naturally), has written the below piece in the Huffington Post and not even that readership is buying it if you go by the comment thread. It is a comparison of George Washington and the Prophet Mohammed.

I invite comments on both sides of this question. As for Mr Considine, he will surely be a great professor someday.

Update: I have joined the comment thread on this piece at Huffpo and the conversation is worth following. Considine is taking a lot of hits. Keep in mind that the Huffington Post is the biggest liberal blog of all.


elwood p suggins said...

At the risk of repeating myself (actually Siarlys), this comparison is like apples and horseapples.

And it does look like not all Huff readers (I am not one), much like all readers/listeners of Beck and Limbaugh (to occasionally include me), drink all of the Kool-Aid which is available.

Gary Fouse said...


To me, this is a fascinating case of readers of a liberal blog totally rejecting a ridiculous point of view. It is encouraging, but an opportunity for intelligent logic to influence a liberal readership.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it speaks to the fact that liberals are more willing to attack an illogical argument made from their side than conservatives are willing to attack an illogical argument made from theirs.

Gary Fouse said...


Perhaps, OJ really was innocent.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Perhaps Gary Fouse is a liberal.

In classical terms, Ronald Reagan was.