Photo from Jihad Watch Now you see it-now you don't
Recently, I posted an article about a minor controversy over a Fire Marshall sign on the UCI campus in one of the courtyard areas-in this case adjacent to the Cross Cultural Center, which has, for years, been used by the Muslim Student Union to conduct their daily prayers or simply socialize. The sign in question ordered the area to be kept clear at all times. When a community member called the fire marshall's office to ask about it, the caller was told that the sign had been put up 4 years previous and that there were similar signs all over campus, both not true.
Today, while walking to the library, I noted that the sign had been taken down.

So I guess the fire marshall no longer feels that the area should be kept clear in case of fire.
Balloons and a bright cheery poster on a university campus.
What sort of evil age has America come to?
The "Happy Eid" sign should be taken down immediately and replaced with something in remembrance to the Holocaust.
I bet that would make Gary happy.
Anonymous, what "Holocaust"? Half the Muslims deny anything happened and the other half say the Nazis didn't go far enough.
America has absorbed many ethnic groups over the years and they have all become essentially American. This has really not been the case with the Muslims. They are constantly trying to impose their values, laws, and customs on their host country. What other group appropriates public space for their sole use?
You remain FOREIGN from core to circumference and I doubt whether you will ever understand America or become American.
I'm 1/4 Navajo Indian (paternal).
I'm more American than you Miggie, or any Jew for that matter.
Congratulations. Are you also related to Elizabeth Warren?
Regardless of your ethnicity, you demonstrate a profound ignorance of what Americanism is.
America, in contradistinction to Islam, was never based on tribe or race. It is based on a value system ... Unique in the world. Perhaps you heard about it.... "All men are created equal....." (also in contrast to the supposed " superior" of religious or political Islam.)
Any person who has arrived recently and passes all immigration requirements is as "American" as anyone whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower or was even here before that. It requires an understanding of freedom and liberty as well as those articulated in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. NOTHING in it has anything based on what tribe you come from. That is true in tribal societies, not ours.
Incidentally, you can inform your Navajo grandparent that America has freedom of religion. You can be any religion you want, free of vulgar anti-Semitism for example, and be a true American. We don't attempt to impose Sharia or any religion on anyone.
If you don't internalize those American values, freedom, liberty, etc., you remain foreign to our society no matter your tribe.
I suppose you never heard of King Solomon or King David that reigned in that exact area in biblical times, not in 1948.
If you are Catholic you should know what religion Jesus was. That was in a state called Israel.
As Winston Churchill said, the Arabs have as much right to the land as the dog has to the manger.
They live there but they don't have and have NEVER had any sovereignty there. You get sovereignty in several ways and almost all the countries we recognize attained it one or another of the following ways.
1.Right of conquest (as in the US)
2 Purchase
4.A commonality which allows the people the ability to hold and defend their land. This was true for the French and the Brits and so on, if you can look it up. Somebody lived there before in almost every case.
Here, the Israelis were the original people there with a sovereignty that the Palestinians NEVER had. Israel has attained all the indicia of sovereignty and the Palestinians have none of them.
It is the "Palestinians"that should move to their brethren in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. They would be indistinguishable there... same language, same religion, etc.
All they have is a monomaniacal obsession with Israel and dolts like you who don't know history and spout their propaganda. I think it is because Israel is a thriving Democracy in the middle of those shithole countries around it and they just can't bear it.
Whatever your not unexpected opinion of them, the FACT remains that King David and King Saul (among others) were the monarchs over a nation state that was in place a thousand years before the "Palestinians." I suppose by your acknowledging that fact begrudgingly, that should end the debate about who was sovereign there first.
Whatever your personal opinion is of Jesus, you again acknowledge that he lived in that exact portion of the world in a Jewish country, named Israel, some 700 years before Palestine and Islam.
The Arabs don't own Israel by any stretch of the imagination. Some of them live there, that is true but they have gained NONE of the aspects of sovereignty that every other country has. All they have are ignorant people beating the drum for them... that doesn't create a state.
Before WW1 the area was considered either part of the Turkish empire or Southern Syria. The arabs living there were tenant farmers or laborers, working for foreign absentee masters. They had no different religion, no government, no aspirations to statehood, no different language, or anything that distinguished them in any way from the neighboring states.
It was the Jews that drained the swamps and built the country where there was only desolation before. Read, if you can, Mark Twain's travels to the Holy land and you will see how desolate it was from his description.
Now that some other people have built a nation there with a thriving economy, advances in medicine and science unparalleled in the Middle East... you would like arabs to over-run it and do as well.
You have a false claim of sovereignty. Any individual who lost personal possessions or houses in the 1947 War that made Israel were compensated. It was the arab surrounding countries that did not absorb their brethren that created the "refuge problem." Israel absorbed the same number of Jewish refugees that were kicked out of arab countries at the same time.
This is also a first in human history that refugees are not absorbed by countries that have the same kind of people. That has been going on for over 60 years and is despicable and brutal.... two well known traits of the arabs.
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