
Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Today Egypt-Tomorrow Jerusalem!"

Hat tip to Memri TV

At a rally in Egypt for Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi (or Mursi), an Egyptian cleric told the mob that Jerusalem will be the capital of Egypt. The below link includes a video with tributes to Hamas, references to Jews, and everything you need to see to understand that Egypt is on the way to being the next Iran.

Here's a prediction, and you can say you heard it here first. As the Arab Spring turns into the proverbial long, hot summer, and Egypt decides it doesn't need (or want) all those Western tourists, watch for those pyramids and the Sphinx to be blown up, just like the Taliban did to those ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan. After all, the pyramids pre-date the coming of Islam to Egypt.

1 comment:

Findalis said...

Why stop there? There are numerous statues, mummies, tombs, pyramids, and temples that can be destroyed as well.

Then again let the Egyptians attack the Israelis and the Israelis just might destroy Egypt. There is that little Aswan High Dam to blow up.