Guess who showed up at one of those noted conferences in Teheran last month. Answer: A bunch of American occupiers, professors and none other than our old friend, Abdul Alim Musa. The Blaze has the report. In fact, the topic of discussion was the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Not only does this confab show the links between radical leftists and Islamists like the intellectually-challenged Musa, it shows that some of these oddballs, misfits, and wobblies have found a friend in the regime in Iran-you know, that regime that sponsors world-wide terrorism, shoots protesters in the streets, persecutes religious minorities, holds diplomats hostage and hangs gays and apostates. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?
That's right. Now if I may play some guilt by association, Musa is the guy that the UC-Irvine Muslim Student Union has hosted. I fondly recall the time a few years ago, I stood spell-bound and listened to this idiot trash our country and talk about Islam taking over America. This is also the same ex-drug dealer who stood on the same stage with Orange County Human Relations Commission award winner Muzammil Siddiqi back on October 28, 2000 in Washington DC. In fact, as Siddiqi was speaking and warning America not to incur the wrath of God by continuing to support Israel, Musa was standing right over Siddiqi's left shoulder.

But I digress.
Any American who travels to Iran to give succor to that foul regime and bad-mouth his or her own country is a traitor in my book-maybe not according to the strict letter of the law-but a traitor nonetheless.
Agree totally with your last paragraph. Treason is treason. Whether is is defined as such in a strictly legal sense is spitting hairs.
Can you say, "Jane Fonda"?
As V.I. Lenin said, "Beware of a pan-Islamic movement masquerading as a national liberation front."
P.S. Bartender Cabbie is generally a law and order man, but he apparently missed this in his secondary school education:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." That bit of "hair splitting" is from Article III, Section 2 [2], of the Constitution of the United States of America, which is the "supreme law of the land."
I'm sure nobody here wants the president to declare war without a resolution by congress.
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