Siraj Wahhaj
A lot of attention has been devoted here to Imam Siraj Wahhaj. In recent months, he has appeared in Southern California as a speaker for the Islamic Circle of North America in Yorba Linda, an event that drew a large protest, and just this past weekend in Anaheim at the CAIR 15th Annual Convention. Wahhaj, while trying to further an image of being a moderate Muslim, has a lengthy history of questionable statements and associations. He was also listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1990s New York bombing conspiracy case against the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdulrahman, for whom Wahhaj testified as a character witness. It has been pointed out on this blog that Wahhaj is documented on audiotape calling for violent jihad and making references to arming black converts to Islam with uzis and turning them loose in the inner cities.
In addition, this past May, Wahhaj spoke at the Shura Council of Southern California conference in Anaheim.
This raises the question of why CAIR, the Shura Council and ICNA would invite him to be a featured speaker, as did the Muslim Student Association Western Regional Conference at UCLA this year.
Even more troubling is Wahhaj's association with Malik Zulu Shabazz and the New Black Panther Party, a virulently, anti-white, anti-Jewish organization that was most recently featured at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day 2008, when two of their members showed up in black militia garb, one brandishing a nightstick, threatening whites who showed up to vote. That was the case in which the Holder Justice Department decided to dismiss a voting rights violation against the NBPP even though the NBPP had ignored the court action and all that was needed was to file default papers.
In May 2009, the NBPP held an anuual convention in Atlanta. Its list of speakers was a who's who of radical black agitators. One speaker was none other than Siraj Wahhaj, who spoke in defense of Georgia cop-killer H. Rap Brown.
"Also on the panel was Hodari Abdul-Ali, chair of the Social Justice Task Force for the Muslim Alliance in North America led by Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who spoke at the conference and raised money for incarcerated Black Power advocate and spiritual leader, Imam Jamil Al Amin. The forum focused on the imam's integrity and his case, with an emphasis on his contribution to the Black liberation struggle as H. Rapp Brown."
But remember; CAIR and ICNA are moderate organizations.
Here is the salient point: Within the radical Islamic community in the US, Wahhaj is one of the main figures. The Muslim organizations that feature him as a popular speaker claim that they (and Wahhaj) are moderates. I submit to you, my dear reader, that moderates do not associate with the new Black Panther Party, which is a hate group-pure and simple.
I get it, militant Muslim organizations are OK, they just need to stop associating with the New Black Panthers.
How many telephone booths does it take to hold a plenary meeting of the NBP?
Go back to sleep, Siarlys.
I'll do that soon Gary. I've had an exhausting day at work. But I still have time to perform my civic duties.
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