
Friday, April 29, 2011

Muzammil Siddiqi and More Friends

Muzammil Siddiqi

On May 1, Muzammil Siddiqi will be appearing at an Islamic Shura Council of Southern California conference on malaria.

Well, that sure sounds like a worthy cause, but what gives me pause is the presence of some other featured speakers.

First there is our old friend, Siraj Wahhaj of Brooklyn. He is one of the speakers whose presence caused a fuss in Yorba Linda back in February. At issue were some of his documented sermons on the topic of Jihad complete with references to arming black ex-cons in the inner cities with uzis and all that stuff. (A jihad against malaria, perhaps).

Siraj Wahhaj-Radical Islamist

Another participant is Maher Hathout. Below is what Discover the Networks has reported on Hathout.
Maher Hathout-Radical Islamist

(Nothing about malaria there.)

Zaid Shakir is a founder of Zaytuna College at UC Berkeley. Here is an article on Shakir from World Net Daily:

Zaid Shakir-Radical Islamist

A warning to malaria: Your days are numbered.

Conclusion: Muzammil Siddiqi-radical Islamist

Yet, on May 5, Siddiqi will be honored by the Orange County Human Relations Commission for being a community leader or something like that.

If you are puzzled by all this, write a letter to Rusty Kennedy, CEO of Orange County Human Relations Commission. He's the one giving this award.


fullerton taxpayer said...

Will Salmon Rushdie personally present the Orange County Human Relations award to Siddiqi? Watched a youtube video Siraj Wahaj who explained that the prophet of Allah faithfully followed Allah's laws by stoning to death a woman who had committed adultery and had a baby from this act. when Wahaj was describing the woman's sin of adultery he made a point of staring at the women in the audience who obediently sat apart and aside from the men in the audience. When will the Orange County Human Rights Commission award persons who champion women's equality and freedom from misogynistic religions and cultures? I guess when the OCHRC runs out of awards for leaders from misogynistic cultures. And my tax dollars supports the OCHRC that awards persons who promote stoning to death adulterous women? This is an insult to me and all women whose predecessors had to fight for the vote, equality in education and in the workplace. Basta ya!

Gary Fouse said...

Do you have the link for that video?

fullerton taxpayer said...

youtube "ways to paradise"-imam siraj
wahhaj 33.30 and after on this video, I guess paradise is only for the likes of siraj wahhaj. many concerned persons focus only on the terrorism towards Americans spewed by Siddiqi amd Wahhaj and miss the bigger terrorism Wahhabism presents to all women not just American women. My tax dollars without my consent are used to honor these imams and religious leaders who seek to reduce women to sub-human status. Why is degrading women acceptable by the OCHRC. If a religious sect's theology denigrated Africans or those of African descent, it would be rightfully condemned by our society not given an award by the OCHRC

Gary Fouse said...

Thank you. It will be posted.