
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Another OC Councilman Asked to Apologize

CAIR Southern California director Hussam Ayloush is a busy man these days. Just a few days ago, he demanded an apology from a City of Orange Councilman who posted something on his Facebook page connecting 9-11 to Islam. Now a San Juan Capistrano Councilman, Derek Reeve, has offended certain people (but not all) in the Muslim community because he has named his dog Muhammed.

“It’s not even worth commenting on. It’s a non issue,” said Marium Mohiuddin, communications coordinator for the Muslim Public Affairs Council. “It’s beneath us as a community to dwell on this kind of subject…there are too many important things happening in this world to make this an issue.”

Here is the statement from CAIR in Los Angeles and a quote from Ayloush.

Capistrano Councilman Asked to Apologize for Showing Disrespect to Islam's Prophet

(ANAHEIM, CA, 9/16/11) -- The Greater Los Angeles Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) today called on San Juan Capistrano City Councilman Derek Reeve to apologize for showing disrespect toward Islam's revered prophet Muhammad by making a derisive public comment involving his dog named "Muhammad."

At a recent city council meeting discussion about a dog park, the Councilman reportedly said, "I have two new dogs. I'm excited about a dog park, America and Muhammad may want to play with dogs." Following the comment, the councilman was reportedly heard laughing.

Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer subsequently expressed objection to the Councilman's remarks, stating: "At the last City Council meeting the name of a dog was stated from the dais which I personally found to be offensive."

In a statement, CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush wrote:

"It is unfortunate that we are witnessing a trend of local elected officials engaging in actions offensive to Muslims or promoting outright anti-Muslim bigotry. We want to remind these elected officials that our great nation was built on the values of respect, inclusivity and religious pluralism.

"Regardless of whether his comment was intended to offend or not, we call on Councilman Reeve to apologize to the Muslim community and meet with his Muslim constituents to address the negative impact of his offensive remarks."

Earlier this week, CAIR-LA asked City of Orange Councilman Jon Dumitru to apologize for falsely linking Islam to 9/11 attacks in a Facebook post. Also earlier this year, Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly at a hateful protest rally aimed at Muslim families and children said: "These who are assembling are enemies of America. They are your enemy. They are my enemy because they seek to destroy it." *

* No, CAIR. It was a protest aimed at ICNA, Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj. As previously reported, a smaller group showed up and instead of listening to the last protest speakers, chose to chant at arriving ICNA attendees. It was wrong and against the intent of the organizers and speakers of the protest. CAIR knows that but chose to produce an edited and spliced 5 minute video to paint the entire protest as hateful, ignoring the long history of hateful speech committed by the ICNA speakers over the years.

But back to the issue at hand; what do you think, readers? Should Reeve apologize? Should he re-name his dog? Should someone make a complaint to the Dept. of Justice as a "hate crime"? Should Reeve's dog be confiscated by the state and put to sleep? Should America, the other dog, be put to sleep too?

What do you think about this? Is it a big deal? Or do you agree with the MPAC person who said it's a non- issue? Personally, I think CAIR has too much time on its hands, perhaps due to the recent poll that indicates they only have about a 10% following within the American Muslim community. Besides, they may not realize it, but they have more important issues to worry about-like who's going to get indicted once Obama is no longer president. There is that federal case down in Dallas, which is ready to go except this particular Justice Department is keeping prosecutors from unwrapping the ribbon and opening up that little box.


fullerton tax payer said...

""It is unfortunate that we are witnessing a trend of local elected officials engaging in actions offensive to Muslims or promoting outright anti-Muslim bigotry. We want to remind these elected officials that our great nation was built on the values of respect, inclusivity and religious pluralism." And all this time I thought it was manifest destiny that found our nation

Anonymous said...

If they are offended by the dog's name, Mohammed, then they need to take some classes that teach them understanding of the way the western world works. We're not offended, so if you are, get the hell out!

Findalis said...

The councilman did no wrong, and CAIR needs to learn about the First Amendment.

The only reply the councilman should give is one word: NUTS!

Some historical information:

Muhammad's family name is Son of Dogs. His Grandfather was Qusy Ibn Kilab (Qusy son of Dogs).

If my family name was Son of Dogs I'd hate the animal too.

Squid said...

The 90 % of the Muslims who live in America and love our way of life and thrive here, must speak out against this shame operation, called CAIR. CAIR is an Islamist, Muslim Brotherhood operation that wants American Muslims to feel as if they are oppressed, discriminated against, victims of hate crime and Islamophobia. The FBI has statistics showing that hate crime on Muslims is far lower that of Blacks and Jews.
What needs to happen, is that the 90 % of moderate Muslims kick CAIR out of the picture.


Miggie said...

I agree with Anonymous.
These (free speech, free opinions, etc.) are part of OUR culture. ... You don't like the way it is here? Just move on.

I agree with fullerton tax payer, all those attributes may have co-existed with out growth as a great nation but by no means were they the basis. I'm also not sure that manifest destiny was the basis either.

I vote for the Constitution and Bill of Rights as being the basis for the growth of our growth as a great nation.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I am reminded of the naive young would-be communist in the mid-1970s who named her dog "Iskra." For all you UCSC community studies majors who know less about communism than Gary or Miggie, Iskra was the name of Lenin's newspaper. No doubt someone named their dog Lenin also. In American, it is an expression of love, respect, and endearment to bestow a name upon your beloved dog.

But I suspect that Findalis made up her cute little repartee. No doubt there is a web site that she found it on. As Stalin said, the web will put up with anything you type into it.

Gary Fouse said...

Ah yes, Iskra-the spark if I recall.

Findalis said...

Actually it was Rep. Allen West (R. FLA) who replied to CAIR with the word NUTS!

Letter to CAIR

It was originally said to the Germans by General McAuliffe when told to surrender. Battle of Bastogne

As for Muhammad's family name you should read the Koran and Hadiths. It is mentioned in both.

Miggie said...

Hmmmm. Is Derek Reeve really Jewish? .... he probably changed it from Dovid Rabinovich or something like that.

It just so happened that came up at the meeting last night and we all know to change our names before our dogs out us. We can't take over the world if we allow slip-ups like this to happen.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Findalis, Gary and I went over all that some weeks ago. Please try to be original.

Miggie, let me be the first to say that I have no worries at all you might take over the world, although I would be quite worried if you ever did.