Alim Musa
Radical Imam Omar Abdel Rahman
Convicted terrorist
H Rap Brown Mousa abu Marzook
aka Jamal al Amin Hamas
Convicted cop-killer
On May 5, a useless quasi-governmental agency in Orange County, California, the Orange County Human Relations Commission, is set to give a humanitarian award to Imam Muzammil Siddiqi of the Garden Grove Islamic Center. In recent days, protests have arisen over this award and for good reason. Siddiqi, who has fooled much of the establishment into thinking he is a peaceful moderate, has some very questionable friends indeed.
First of all, Siddiqi is a past president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which has been identified as an off-shoot of the Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood. ISNA was also listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Dallas-based Holy Land Foundation trial involving Islamic charities in the US which were funneling money to Middle Eastern terrorist organizations.
Then there is Siddiqi's October 2000 speech in Washington DC in the wake of the Palestinian Intifada, in which he condemned Israel and warned America (his adopted country) to stop supporting Israel lest we face "the wrath of God". Standing nect to Siddiqi on the stage was the radical, America-hating Imam from Washington DC, Alim Musa, a man who speaks publicly about "burning America down". Musa is a former heroin trafficker and ex-con who converted to Islam in prison. He refers to America as "the most criminal government on earth". He also speaks openly of the day when Islam will take over the US.
Siddiqi also reportedly appeared with Musa at UC-Irvine on September 9, 2001 at a benefit dinner for convicted cop-killer H. Rap Brown, aka Jamal Al Amin. On that occasion, Musa called America "the most criminal government on earth".
Then there is Mousa abu Marzook, a man who has also run afoul of the US Government for his terrorist associations (Hamas).
While Marzook was cooling his heels in a US jail, he took the time to write a public letter of thanks for the people and groups who were supporting him. That included the Islamic Society of North America, whose head at that time was Muzammil Siddiqi.,+%2B+mousa+abu+marzook&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&
The letter is below:
Yet, to the establishment, Siddiqi is a "man of peace". Well, I would submit that men of peace do not associate with men like H Rap Brown, Alim Musa, Mousa abu Marzook and Omar Abdel Rahman (the Blind Sheikh).
Strange company indeed. Yet, on May 5, OCHRC CEO Rusty Kennedy will present Muzammil Siddiqi with some sort of humanitarian award in Anaheim.
And who is Rusty Kennedy, you ask?
You don't wanna know.
Perhaps we need to do the "vetting" for Rusty Kennedy (AKA Dimmi). Before Muzammil Siiddiqi gets his Rusty award, the OC Supervisors should ask him some questions, which are;
1. Do you support Hamas?
2. Do you support Hezbollah?
3. Do you support Jihad in Orange County?
4. Do you renounce sharia which supports the distruction of the U.S. Constitution and its laws?
5. Do you renounce the "Suras" in the Koran that put forth; That the Koran calls us:
Diseased (2:10), Evil (2:99), Deaf dumb and blind (2:171), Can't be our friends (3:28), Are our enemies (4:101), Losers (5:53), Pigs and apes (5:60), Evil (5:59), Worst beasts (8:55), Filthy (9:28), Perverts (9:30), And the vilest of creatures (98:51).
The "Rusty" Award. I like that!
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