Tip of the hat to Jihad i Sverige
Once again, Malmo, Sweden and its mayor Ilmar Reepalu are bringing disrepute to that nation. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has been forced to issue a travel warning to Jews not to travel there due to contniuing anti-Semitism by Muslim immigrants-now 30% of the population and the indifference of the mayor. As a result of anti-Semitic harassment, Jewish residents are leaving in large numbers. The Swedish press is largely ignoring the issue, which leaves it to Swedish blogs like Jihad i Sverige to cast light on the problem.
Below is the Jihad in Sverige blog posting (in Swedish): The title in Swedish means, "Dangerous for Jews to visit Malmo".
The blog, Sweden, Israel and Jews has the story, which has been cross-posted by Jihad i Sverige.
Top: "Welcome to Malmo. Here Swedish law ends" (Hat tip to Jihad i Malmo)
Below is the travel warning by the Wiesenthal Center:
Below is a report on the situation in Malmo and the outrageous remarks by Reepalu from Tel Aviv University.
And finally, if the Swedish press is downplaying the story, Denmark's Jyllands Posten has reported on it below (in Danish). The title in English means, "Jews advised against traveling to Malmo".
It may seem harsh, but what goes around comes around. Sweden is tolerating intolerance in the name of tolerance. Now they have experienced their first terrorist attack or attempt at such in Stockholm. And their clueless prime minister expresses shock and bewilderment because the country is "so open and tolerant".
Except for Jews.
Now we need to start working on getting the Jews to leave the United States.
Thanks Artie for making my argument for me.
PS to Art,
That's it. You are done on this blog.
Art, you're a douche. Seriously.
Der Zauberlehrling is well-known in the German-speaking world. The lines in which the apprentice implores the returning sorcerer to help him with the mess he has created have turned into a cliché, especially the line Die Geister, die ich rief ("The spirits that I called"), a garbled version of one of Goethe's lines, which is often used to describe a situation where somebody summons help or uses allies that he cannot control, especially in politics.
I remember when everyone praised Sweden for taking in refugees that no one else wanted.
Have you ever read "Der Zauberlehrling"?
It is really going to be a shame to cover up all of that beautiful Swedish blond hair with a big black head scarf...
No I have not read it.
It appears from the photo you posted that the police are not entirely indifferent. Why are Jewish residents leaving, rather than forming self-defence associations? If a black American Legion post could defend their neighborhood in 1938, during mass hysteria over an alleged rape that turned out to be a tryst with a (white) lover, a Jewish association ought to have some chance of doing the same in Malmo.
And as soon as the start defending themselves, the cops will arrest them.
The black American Legion post COULD HAVE been deterred by the same assumption, but they calmly communicated exactly what they were doing to the police, as a public service to maintain peace and good order. There is something phony about the current wave of "anti-Semitism" being bandied about. Either its not as bad as you're saying, or the Jews are awfully spineless. I suspect that a well organized response, properly done, would motivate the police to take whatever incidents HAVE occured more seriously.
I have heard too many Christians trying to have their martyrdom and enjoy the comforts of life at the same time, by whining about nothing. I expect the Jews in Sweden are enduring somewhat more than Christians in the U.S., but it is hardly a national wave of anti-Semitism. If Jews won't challenge it, why should anyone else bother?
I advocate self defense, and you call it tolerating violence. You've been reading too much George Orwell.
I also advocate self defense. In my youth, I would have put on a yarmulka and paraded down Main Street daring anyone to come after me. After a couple of beers, I imagine I could still do it. However, I am now 65 years old.
We found another point of agreement. Such moments are precious - let's not spoil it by saying anything further.
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