
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sgt Schultz and the "African Community"

Did'ya catch the interview between MSNBC's butter and egg man, Ed Schultz, with Sheila Jackson Lee, in which they discussed Rush Limbaugh's "racist" language?

"Yeh, I did."

In this exchange, Ed asks Lee what "the African community" can do about this. (Hat tip to Real Clear Politics)

If that's not funny enough, Lee opines about whether Rush's calling Ed "Sgt Schultz" might be racist.

Give that man a helmet.


Gary Fouse said...

So just what is the African community in the US?

BTW: Is it racist when I call Schultz a butter and egg man?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"I know nuttink, NOTHINK!!!"

I suppose "butter and egg man" could be taken as referring to the color of the man's skin, sort of like "I'm not white, I'm peaches and cream."

There is no "African American community" in the US. There are dozens. BET has tried to homogenize them all, but it hasn't quite succeeded.

I sort of gave up on Sheila Jackson-Lee after I read that she had remarked "I'm a queen, and I expect to be treated like one." When I think of how a queen should be treated, I think of Marie Antoinette.

Bartender Cabbie said...

She lives in my area. Poor woman is nuts.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Cabbie, you're in Texas? I must have been indulging in sterotypes - I inferred that you were in New York. There goes my plan to get together for lunch next time I visit family in da Bronx.